Sunday, 29 June 2014

То, что мы WHAT WE ARE by Political Prisoner Jake Laskey (Russian)

То, что мы 
Джейк Laskey 
Политзаключенный 11 Юнона 2014 
Как Мидгард оказывается его орбиту спиннинг в космосе, эта планета несет на своих более семи миллиардов существ, которые все живут и умирают не обращая внимания на неизмеримой существования, лежащей за его пределами. Не обращая внимания важности, их индивидуальное значение в Космосе, потеряли в материализме, жадность, вырождения, и расовая смешение рас толкнул на них правящей элиты глобалистами.

Мы зерно космической пыли, мизер микроскопическое пятнышко теряется в бесконечности обширном пространстве расширяющейся Вселенной с ее мульти-стихи. Там нет истинного вверх, ни вниз, ни вправо или влево, ни центр. Ничего, кроме Абсолюта, который простирается дальше, чем наши слабые умы не могут представить себе создал через то, что ученые называют Большой Взрыв.

Мы атом в травинки в поле в другое измерение. Что следует понимать хотя это крошечное зерно космической пыли, этот маленький земной шар вокруг яркой звезды, которую мы называем Солнцем, наша единственная реальность в этой жизни мы живем. Мидгард представляет собой микрокосм в микромире, а человек есть существо среди миллионов существ, он тоже является макромира. Как Мидгард является наиболее важным планета во Вселенной мы живем, так арийской Человек наиболее важными из которых на Мидгард.

Солнце является Жизнедатель, источник света. Именно это Солнце, поклонялись первых народов, населявших эту пятнышко грязи эпох назад, который, созданных доктрины человек сделал, чтобы объяснить Natural, чтобы объяснить законы природы и сверхъестественное. Поскольку наша Знания предков были на убыль, Мудрость и истины были сохранены аллегорий и передаются из поколения в веков до родственников в устной форме, пока не написал на камне или папирусе. Мы Tru Wotanists, искать фрагменты, найденные достичь убер-сознание [Убер = Выше / выше] наша арийская атлантов Гонка практикуется много тысячелетий назад [арийской Атлантиды для христианина не может быть истолковано как Гонка Адама].

Первый закон природы является сохранение собственного вида One '. Арийства является сохранить и защитить нашу кровь на NaY и все средства, необходимые. Понимая наше прошлое, наша генетическая память, зная древние обычаи, традиции, практика, знания и Происхождение, мы можем узнать и должны достичь того, что наши древние знали. Пророк Давид Лейна 14 Words и теперь Основополагающие Wotanist 18 Words являются частью Божественной миссии для сохранения и распространения и продвижения для нашего народа, чтобы помочь Освещать путь нашей благородной арийской расы и будущего.

Через личностной самореализации мы можем друг Станьте Ubermensch [Overmen] и спасти наш народ для нашего Новой Эры. Да здравствует Богов!
"... Миф является неотъемлемым компонентом всех религий"
- C.G.Jung, неоткрытые Самостоятельная
«Свобода стоит бороться; даже если погибнуть, мои дети будут жить преимущества моей битве "- 18 Слова основных Wotanists американскими Передняя политзаключенного Джейк Laskey. 1 =, 8 = Н. 18 = Адольф Гитлер
  Контакт: Джейк Laskey # 68777-065 
USP Викторвилл 
P O Box 3900 
Аделанто CA 92301 U S

To, chto my
Dzheyk Laskey
Politzaklyuchennyy 11 Yunona 2014
Kak Midgard okazyvayetsya yego orbitu spinning v kosmose , eta planeta neset na svoikh boleye semi milliardov sushchestv, kotoryye vse zhivut i umirayut ne obrashchaya vnimaniya na neizmerimoy sushchestvovaniya , lezhashchey za yego predelami. Ne obrashchaya vnimaniya vazhnosti , ikh individual'noye znacheniye v Kosmose , poteryali v materializme , zhadnost', vyrozhdeniya , i rasovaya smesheniye ras tolknul na nikh pravyashchey elity globalistami .

My zerno kosmicheskoy pyli , mizer mikroskopicheskoye pyatnyshko teryayetsya v beskonechnosti obshirnom prostranstve rasshiryayushcheysya Vselennoy s yeye mul'ti- stikhi . Tam net istinnogo vverkh, ni vniz , ni vpravo ili vlevo , ni tsentr . Nichego, krome Absolyuta , kotoryy prostirayetsya dal'she, chem nashi slabyye umy ne mogut predstavit' sebe sozdal cherez to, chto uchenyye nazyvayut Bol'shoy Vzryv .

My atom v travinki v pole v drugoye izmereniye. Chto sleduyet ponimat' khotya eto kroshechnoye zerno kosmicheskoy pyli , etot malen'kiy zemnoy shar vokrug yarkoy zvezdy , kotoruyu my nazyvayem Solntsem , nasha yedinstvennaya real'nost' v etoy zhizni my zhivem. Midgard predstavlyayet soboy mikrokosm v mikromire , a chelovek yest' sushchestvo sredi millionov sushchestv , on tozhe yavlyayetsya makromira. Kak Midgard yavlyayetsya naiboleye vazhnym planeta vo Vselennoy my zhivem , tak ariyskoy Chelovek naiboleye vazhnymi iz kotorykh na Midgard .

Solntse yavlyayetsya Zhiznedatel' , istochnik sveta . Imenno eto Solntse , poklonyalis' pervykh narodov , naselyavshikh etu pyatnyshko gryazi epokh nazad , kotoryy , sozdannykh doktriny chelovek sdelal , chtoby ob"yasnit' Natural, chtoby ob"yasnit' zakony prirody i sverkh"yestestvennoye . Poskol'ku nasha Znaniya predkov byli na ubyl' , Mudrost' i istiny byli sokhraneny allegoriy i peredayutsya iz pokoleniya v vekov do rodstvennikov v ustnoy forme , poka ne napisal na kamne ili papiruse . My Tru Wotanists , iskat' fragmenty , naydennyye dostich' uber- soznaniye [ Uber = Vyshe / vyshe] nasha ariyskaya atlantov Gonka praktikuyetsya mnogo tysyacheletiy nazad [ ariyskoy Atlantidy dlya khristianina ne mozhet byt' istolkovano kak Gonka Adama ] .

Pervyy zakon prirody yavlyayetsya sokhraneniye sobstvennogo vida One ' . Ariystva yavlyayetsya sokhranit' i zashchitit' nashu krov' na NaY i vse sredstva, neobkhodimyye . Ponimaya nashe proshloye , nasha geneticheskaya pamyat' , znaya drevniye obychai , traditsii, praktika, znaniya i Proiskhozhdeniye , my mozhem uznat' i dolzhny dostich' togo, chto nashi drevniye znali . Prorok David Leyna 14 Words i teper' Osnovopolagayushchiye Wotanist 18 Words yavlyayutsya chast'yu Bozhestvennoy missii dlya sokhraneniya i rasprostraneniya i prodvizheniya dlya nashego naroda , chtoby pomoch' Osveshchat' put' nashey blagorodnoy ariyskoy rasy i budushchego .

Cherez lichnostnoy samorealizatsii my mozhem drug Stan'te Ubermensch [ Overmen ] i spasti nash narod dlya nashego Novoy Ery. Da zdravstvuyet Bogov !
" ... Mif yavlyayetsya neot"yemlemym komponentom vsekh religiy "
- C.G.Jung , neotkrytyye Samostoyatel'naya
«Svoboda stoit borot'sya ; dazhe yesli pogibnut' , moi deti budut zhit' preimushchestva moyey bitve " - 18 Slova osnovnykh Wotanists amerikanskimi Perednyaya politzaklyuchennogo Dzheyk Laskey . 1 = , 8 = N. 18 = Adol'f Gitler
 Kontakt: Dzheyk Laskey # 68777-065
USP Viktorvill
P O Box 3900
Adelanto CA 92301 U S

Вотана АРКАН: Движение Внутри WOTAN's ARCANUM by political prisoner Jake Laskey (Russian)

Вотана АРКАН: Движение Внутри 
Джейк Laskey 
Политзаключенный 11 Юнона 2014 

Как член Американского фронта, теперь также политзаключенного, я не знаком с делать время. Но есть много на улице, в движении, кто никогда не видел тюремную камеру, которая на лучшее. Тем не менее, многие будут прислушаться к призыву от Бога или богов арийской человека, чтобы взять на себя, чтобы бороться за их расы и нации. Кто, если не убиты на месте, в конечном итоге в федеральной тюрьме.

Служба исполнения наказаний имеет много банд и клик, с правилами и нормами и мощности смещения между ними на Yards. В мгновение ока расовые беспорядки могут произойти и кровь будет течь.

Те, что пришли, новичок в тюремной жизни и ее правил, таких как белые люди из улиц, которые в настоящее время в окружении небелых банды сосиски, может легко стать жертвой и быть перегружены и в конечном итоге шесть футов под если они выглядят не в ту сторону , говорят неправильные вещи или сделать что-то они не должны.

Где мог белая арийская обратиться за помощью? Политзаключенный / POW от причины, который получил огромное количество времени борется ZG для своей расы, как он может выжить в такой среде? Человек, который пожертвовал своей свободой за 14 слов и 18 слов, никогда не делал время, может потерять свою жизнь за то, что он сделал для своего народа.Печальный конец для одного, достойного нашего предельной любви, уважения и поддержки.

Мало что известно о истории я собираюсь раскрыть. Но эта история, правда, и это свое время, что Движение знает эту истину, которая только горстка имели честь знать. Как движение скинхедов, активист многих лет, на улицах, даже я не знал, что вы будете теперь.Привилегированного меньшинства попросили меня рассказать. Так что это их надежда это будет освещая и теперь общеизвестно одного из Великих арийских солдат двадцатого века, мученика, память никогда не должны быть забыты.

Его зовут Боб Мэтьюз. Он основал революционную группу, известную теперь как Орден, и он умер за его расы и его преданные последователи пошли в федеральной тюрьме (один отбывает срок в государственной тюрьме за убийство полицейского.) Многие из этих мужчин никогда не увидите на улицах снова , Нобелевские Мужчины, которые никогда не были в клетке, но один, сейчас делает остальную часть своей жизни в Федеральном ГУЛАГа из ZG.

Но Боб Мэтьюз был провидцем, он предвидел события и планировать соответственно. Орден должны были начаться расовая война, что привело заряд на арийской Crusade для белого арийского Родины в Тихом Северо-Западе, и он знал, что они могут в конечном итоге за стенами для их правое дело, и с Расовая война началась, многие солдаты последуют этому примеру.

Таким образом, эти Бойцы арийской Freedom будет военнопленных и нуждаются в поддерживающей сеткой внутри стен, чтобы возвратиться для их выживания. Эти военнопленные будут направляться на небелых за свои поступки.

Боб Мэтьюз связался с человеком, который был в тюрьме он слышал о том, кто делал время на одном из первых «Преступления на почве ненависти" зарядов в федеральной системы. Боб рассказал ему о своей озабоченности для будущих военнопленных, многие, кто не были преступниками и не K теперь о выполнении время. Боб сказал этот человек, что он хотел там быть организация, которая будет посвящена Движения и его военнопленных в тюрьмах З.Г..

Как военнопленные пришли туда должен был быть организация Движение ориентированных мужчин, которые были там, чтобы учить их о выполнении время, чтобы быть там для них и помочь им встать на ноги. Эта организация всегда будет там стоять с ПР и любых проблем, которые возникают, будь то против других рас или банд, какой вид, чтобы охотиться на них, но особенно в бою. Военнопленные должны жить по определенным кодексов поведения, все осужденные сделать. Кроме этого POW сделать свое время, как они хотят.

Было решено, что эта организация будет называться ARM. Боб Мэтьюз даже послал в карточке с изображением того, что затем стал патч организации. Первый намек на ARM Движение слышали о был из Биб Mathews собственной декларации войны, прежде чем он был сожжен до федеральными силами на Whidby Айленд, штат Вашингтон.

ARM стоял за общую Fighters арийской свобода, членов Ордена и надеялись на солдат, которые вступили в бой в Race войны, известный как революции Движения арийской, с собственным службой технической поддержки уже на месте, который был как арийская движение сопротивления = ARM (в более поздних 2000-х годов некоторые назвали бы это ARM арийская религиозное движение).

ARM сегодня все еще является силой, с которой нельзя не считаться. ARM по-прежнему сосредоточено на движении, на оказании помощи политическим заключенным и военнопленным, на образование и глядя на общины Белый тюрьме в целом. ARM не хочет видеть белые охотятся никому, принимая свои позиции в качестве Солдаты Aryandom серьезно.

Те, кто может в один прекрасный день стать частью ARM пройти напряженной физическом и психическом состоянии проявить себя. Не только к организации, но Движения в ее нынешнем виде, чтобы стать активной частью Дела не только за этими стенами, но на улицах, а также, цели компании ARM должны сделать, как много для Движения, как можно за провода и делать это, когда возвращался домой. В буквальном смысле их причина заключается в обслуживании великой цели. Если она не будет содействовать Делу, что он уже не их дело.

Многие члены ARM являются одинисты, и часть разведки ARM вовлекает обучения и чтения многих Одинист книги. Но некоторые в ARM являются идентичность христиане или даже Создатели. Пока религия государства-члена не противоречит обеспечения и продвижения Арийства, религиозные предпочтения своей собственной.

Для тех из вас, читающих это на улице, которые могут быть заключены в подземельях Z-G в будущем в высоких тюрьмах строгого режима, известных как СОЕДИНЕННЫХ ШТАТОВ пенитенциарных учреждениях, знаю теперь, что вы не будете одиноки, ни забыт, ни пренебречь. Перед вами специальную организацию, которые помогут вам.

Те, единомышленников и кто даст вам руку, когда в ней нуждается, группа солдат, которые прошли обучение и в курсе о тюремной жизни, если вы не являетесь. Боб Мэтьюз смотрит вниз от Valhalla, гордимся тем, что является Видение это реальность посвящения для арийской расы, поддержка сети, если и когда с - т попадает в вентилятор, а не только на тюремном дворе, но и когда Расовая война становится реальность. ARM есть, как я! Будете ли вы?

«Свобода стоит бороться; даже если погибнуть, мои дети будут жить преимущества моей битве "
- 18 Слова основных Wotanists американскими Передняя политзаключенного Джейк Laskey. 1 =, 8 = Н. 18 = Адольф Гитлер

Контактная информация: 
  Джейк Laskey # 68777-065 
USP Викторвилл 
P O Box 3900 
Аделанто CA 92301 
                                                             U S
Votana ARKAN : Dvizheniye Vnutri
Dzheyk Laskey
Politzaklyuchennyy 11 Yunona 2014

Kak chlen Amerikanskogo fronta, teper' takzhe politzaklyuchennogo , ya ne znakom s delat' vremya . No yest' mnogo na ulitse, v dvizhenii , kto nikogda ne videl tyuremnuyu kameru , kotoraya na luchsheye. Tem ne meneye, mnogiye budut prislushat'sya k prizyvu ot Boga ili bogov ariyskoy cheloveka , chtoby vzyat' na sebya, chtoby borot'sya za ikh rasy i natsii. Kto, yesli ne ubity na meste , v konechnom itoge v federal'noy tyur'me .

Sluzhba ispolneniya nakazaniy imeyet mnogo band i klik , s pravilami i normami i moshchnosti smeshcheniya mezhdu nimi na Yards. V mgnoveniye oka rasovyye besporyadki mogut proizoyti i krov' budet tech' .

Te, chto prishli, novichok v tyuremnoy zhizni i yeye pravil , takikh kak belyye lyudi iz ulits, kotoryye v nastoyashcheye vremya v okruzhenii nebelykh bandy sosiski , mozhet legko stat' zhertvoy i byt' peregruzheny i v konechnom itoge shest' futov pod yesli oni vyglyadyat ne v tu storonu , govoryat nepravil'nyye veshchi ili sdelat' chto-to oni ne dolzhny .

Gde mog belaya ariyskaya obratit'sya za pomoshch'yu ? Politzaklyuchennyy / POW ot prichiny , kotoryy poluchil ogromnoye kolichestvo vremeni boretsya ZG dlya svoyey rasy , kak on mozhet vyzhit' v takoy srede ? Chelovek, kotoryy pozhertvoval svoyey svobodoy za 14 slov i 18 slov, nikogda ne delal vremya , mozhet poteryat' svoyu zhizn' za to, chto on sdelal dlya svoyego naroda. Pechal'nyy konets dlya odnogo , dostoynogo nashego predel'noy lyubvi, uvazheniya i podderzhki.

Malo chto izvestno o istorii ya sobirayus' raskryt' . No eta istoriya , pravda, i eto svoye vremya , chto Dvizheniye znayet etu istinu , kotoraya tol'ko gorstka imeli chest' znat' . Kak dvizheniye skinkhedov , aktivist mnogikh let , na ulitsakh , dazhe ya ne znal , chto vy budete teper' . Privilegirovannogo men'shinstva poprosili menya rasskazat'. Tak chto eto ikh nadezhda eto budet osveshchaya i teper' obshcheizvestno odnogo iz Velikikh ariyskikh soldat dvadtsatogo veka , muchenika , pamyat' nikogda ne dolzhny byt' zabyty.

Yego zovut Bob Met'yuz . On osnoval revolyutsionnuyu gruppu, izvestnuyu teper' kak Orden , i on umer za yego rasy i yego predannyye posledovateli poshli v federal'noy tyur'me (odin otbyvayet srok v gosudarstvennoy tyur'me za ubiystvo politseyskogo . ) Mnogiye iz etikh muzhchin nikogda ne uvidite na ulitsakh snova , Nobelevskiye Muzhchiny, kotoryye nikogda ne byli v kletke , no odin , seychas delayet ostal'nuyu chast' svoyey zhizni v Federal'nom GULAGa iz ZG .

No Bob Met'yuz byl providtsem , on predvidel sobytiya i planirovat' sootvetstvenno . Orden dolzhny byli nachat'sya rasovaya voyna , chto privelo zaryad na ariyskoy Crusade dlya belogo ariyskogo Rodiny v Tikhom Severo-Zapade , i on znal, chto oni mogut v konechnom itoge za stenami dlya ikh pravoye delo , i s Rasovaya voyna nachalas', mnogiye soldaty posleduyut etomu primeru .

Takim obrazom, eti Boytsy ariyskoy Freedom budet voyennoplennykh i nuzhdayutsya v podderzhivayushchey setkoy vnutri sten , chtoby vozvratit'sya dlya ikh vyzhivaniya. Eti voyennoplennyye budut napravlyat'sya na nebelykh za svoi postupki .

Bob Met'yuz svyazalsya s chelovekom, kotoryy byl v tyur'me on slyshal o tom, kto delal vremya na odnom iz pervykh « Prestupleniya na pochve nenavisti " zaryadov v federal'noy sistemy . Bob rasskazal yemu o svoyey ozabochennosti dlya budushchikh voyennoplennykh, mnogiye, kto ne byli prestupnikami i ne K teper' o vypolnenii vremya . Bob skazal etot chelovek , chto on khotel tam byt' organizatsiya, kotoraya budet posvyashchena Dvizheniya i yego voyennoplennykh v tyur'makh Z.G. .

Kak voyennoplennyye prishli tuda dolzhen byl byt' organizatsiya Dvizheniye oriyentirovannykh muzhchin, kotoryye byli tam, chtoby uchit' ikh o vypolnenii vremya , chtoby byt' tam dlya nikh i pomoch' im vstat' na nogi . Eta organizatsiya vsegda budet tam stoyat' s PR i lyubykh problem , kotoryye voznikayut , bud' to protiv drugikh ras ili band , kakoy vid , chtoby okhotit'sya na nikh, no osobenno v boyu. Voyennoplennyye dolzhny zhit' po opredelennym kodeksov povedeniya , vse osuzhdennyye sdelat' . Krome etogo POW sdelat' svoye vremya , kak oni khotyat.

Bylo resheno, chto eta organizatsiya budet nazyvat'sya ARM . Bob Met'yuz dazhe poslal v kartochke s izobrazheniyem togo, chto zatem stal patch organizatsii . Pervyy namek na ARM Dvizheniye slyshali o byl iz Bib Mathews sobstvennoy deklaratsii voyny , prezhde chem on byl sozhzhen do federal'nymi silami na Whidby Aylend, shtat Vashington.

ARM stoyal za obshchuyu Fighters ariyskoy svoboda, chlenov Ordena i nadeyalis' na soldat, kotoryye vstupili v boy v Race voyny , izvestnyy kak revolyutsii Dvizheniya ariyskoy , s sobstvennym sluzhboy tekhnicheskoy podderzhki uzhe na meste , kotoryy byl kak ariyskaya dvizheniye soprotivleniya = ARM ( v boleye pozdnikh 2000-kh godov nekotoryye nazvali by eto ARM ariyskaya religioznoye dvizheniye ) .

ARM segodnya vse yeshche yavlyayetsya siloy, s kotoroy nel'zya ne schitat'sya. ARM po-prezhnemu sosredotocheno na dvizhenii , na okazanii pomoshchi politicheskim zaklyuchennym i voyennoplennym , na obrazovaniye i glyadya na obshchiny Belyy tyur'me v tselom. ARM ne khochet videt' belyye okhotyatsya nikomu, prinimaya svoi pozitsii v kachestve Soldaty Aryandom ser'yezno.

Te, kto mozhet v odin prekrasnyy den' stat' chast'yu ARM proyti napryazhennoy fizicheskom i psikhicheskom sostoyanii proyavit' sebya . Ne tol'ko k organizatsii , no Dvizheniya v yeye nyneshnem vide , chtoby stat' aktivnoy chast'yu Dela ne tol'ko za etimi stenami , no na ulitsakh , a takzhe, tseli kompanii ARM dolzhny sdelat' , kak mnogo dlya Dvizheniya , kak mozhno za provoda i delat' eto , kogda vozvrashchalsya domoy . V bukval'nom smysle ikh prichina zaklyuchayetsya v obsluzhivanii velikoy tseli . Yesli ona ne budet sodeystvovat' Delu , chto on uzhe ne ikh delo.

Mnogiye chleny ARM yavlyayutsya odinisty , i chast' razvedki ARM vovlekayet obucheniya i chteniya mnogikh Odinist knigi . No nekotoryye v ARM yavlyayutsya identichnost' khristiane ili dazhe Sozdateli . Poka religiya gosudarstva-chlena ne protivorechit obespecheniya i prodvizheniya Ariystva , religioznyye predpochteniya svoyey sobstvennoy.

Dlya tekh iz vas, chitayushchikh eto na ulitse, kotoryye mogut byt' zaklyucheny v podzemel'yakh Z -G v budushchem v vysokikh tyur'makh strogogo rezhima , izvestnykh kak SOYEDINENNYKH SHTATOV penitentsiarnykh uchrezhdeniyakh , znayu teper' , chto vy ne budete odinoki , ni zabyt, ni prenebrech'. Pered vami spetsial'nuyu organizatsiyu , kotoryye pomogut vam.

Te, yedinomyshlennikov i kto dast vam ruku, kogda v ney nuzhdayetsya, gruppa soldat , kotoryye proshli obucheniye i v kurse o tyuremnoy zhizni , yesli vy ne yavlyayetes'. Bob Met'yuz smotrit vniz ot Valhalla , gordimsya tem, chto yavlyayetsya Videniye eto real'nost' posvyashcheniya dlya ariyskoy rasy , podderzhka seti , yesli i kogda s - t popadayet v ventilyator , a ne tol'ko na tyuremnom dvore , no i kogda Rasovaya voyna stanovitsya real'nost' . ARM yest', kak ya! Budete li vy ?

«Svoboda stoit borot'sya ; dazhe yesli pogibnut' , moi deti budut zhit' preimushchestva moyey bitve "
- 18 Slova osnovnykh Wotanists amerikanskimi Perednyaya politzaklyuchennogo Dzheyk Laskey . 1 = , 8 = N. 18 = Adol'f Gitler

Kontaktnaya informatsiya:
 Dzheyk Laskey # 68777-065
USP Viktorvill
P O Box 3900
Adelanto CA 92301
                                                            U S

WOTAN's ARCANUM by Political Prisoner Jake Laskey

WOTAN’S ARCANUM: The Movement Inside                                          by Jake Laskey   
Political Prisoner  11 Juno 2014

As a member of American Front, now also a political prisoner, I am not unfamiliar with doing time.  But there are many on the outside, in the movement, who have never seen a jail cell, which is for the best.  Yet many will heed the call from God or the gods of Aryan man, to take upon themselves to battle for their race and nation.  Who if not killed outright, will end up in federal Prison.

Federal prison has many gangs and cliques, with rules and codes and power shifting between them on the Yards.  Within the blink of an eye a race riot can occur and blood will flow. 

Those coming in, new to prison life and its rules, such as white men from the streets, who are now surrounded by non-white gang bangers, can easily fall prey and be overwhelmed and end up six feet under if they look the wrong way, say the wrong thing or do something they shouldn’t. 

Where could a white Aryan turn to for help?  The political prisoner/POW of the cause who got a huge amount of time fighting Z-G for his race, how can he survive in such an environment? A man who sacrificed his freedom for the 14 Words and 18 Words whose never done time, could lose his life for what he did for his people.  A sad ending for one, deserving of our utmost love, respect and support. 

Little is known of the history I am about to reveal.  But this history is true, and it is due time that the Movement knows this Truth, which only a handful have had the privilege of knowing.  As a Movement Skinhead, an activist of many years, on the streets, not even I knew what you will now.  The privileged few have asked me to tell it.  So it is their hope this will be illuminating and now common knowledge of one of the twentieth century’s Great Aryan Soldiers, a Martyr whose memory must never be forgotten.

His name is Bob Mathews.  He founded the revolutionary group known now as The Order, and he died for his Race and his dedicated followers went to federal Prison (one is serving life in a state prison for killing a policeman.) Many of these men will never see the streets again, Nobel Men who had never been in a cell but one, now doing the rest of their lives in the Federal gulag of Z-G. 

But Bob Mathews was a visionary, he foresaw events and planned accordingly.  The Order were to start Race War, leading the charge on the Aryan Crusade for A White Aryan Homeland in the Pacific North West, and he knew they may end up behind the walls for their just Cause, and with the Race War begun, many Soldiers would follow suit. 

Thus these Aryan Freedom Fighters would be POW’s and need a support Net inside the walls to fall back on for their survival.  These POWs would be targeted by non-whites for their deeds.

Bob Mathews contacted a man who was in prison he had heard about who was doing time on one of the first ‘Hate Crime’ charges in the Federal System.  Bob told him about his concern for the future POWs, many who were not criminals and did not k now about doing time.  Bob told this man that he wanted there to be an organization that would be dedicated to the Movement and its POWs in the prisons of Z-G. 

As the POWs came in there needed to be an organization of Movement oriented men who were there to teach them about doing time, to be there for them and help them get on their feet. This organisation would always be there to stand with the POW and any problems which arise, be it against other races or gangs which sort to prey on them, but especially in battle. POWs must live by certain Codes of Conduct, all convicts do. Other than that the POW do their time how they want. 

It was decided that this organisation would be called ARM. Bob Mathews even sent in a card with a picture of what then became the organisation’s patch. The first inkling of ARM the Movement heard about was from Bib Mathews own Declaration of War before he was burned up by the Federal forces on Whidby Island, WA.

ARM stood for the overall Aryan Freedom Fighters, the Order members and the hoped for soldiers who joined the battle in the Race War, known as the Aryan Revolution Movement, with its own support organization already in place, which was as is the Aryan Resistance Movement = ARM (in the later 2000’s some would call this ARM the Aryan Religious Movement).

ARM today is still a force to be reckoned with.  ARM is still focused on the Movement, on helping Political Prisoners and POW’s, on education and looking out for the White Prison community in general. ARM refuses to see Whites preyed upon by anyone, taking their position as Soldiers of Aryandom seriously. 

Those who may one day become part of ARM go through a strenuous physical and mental  condition to prove themselves. Not just to the organization, but to the Movement as it stands today to become an active part of the Cause not just behind these walls but on the streets as well, ARM’s goals are to do as much for the Movement as one can behind the wire and to do so when returning home.  Quite literally their Cause is to serve the Greater Cause.  If it doesn’t further the Cause, it is none of their affair.

Many ARM members are Odinists, and part of ARM’s prospecting involves learning and reading many Odinist books.  But some in ARM are Identity Christians or even Creators. As long as a member’s religion doesn’t conflict with securing and advancing Aryankind, religious preference is one’s own.

For those of you reading this on the Outside, who may be incarcerated in Z-G’s dungeons in the future in high security prisons known as UNITED STATES PENITENTIARIES, know now that you will not be alone, nor forgotten, nor neglected. You have before you a dedicated organization who will help you.

Those like-minded and who will give you a hand when in need, a group of Soldiers who are educated and in the know on prison life, if you are not.  Bob Mathews is looking down from Valhalla, proud that is Vision is a reality of dedication for the Aryan Race, a support network if and when the s--t hits the fan, not just on the prison yard but also when the Race War becomes reality. ARM is there, as am I.  Will you be? 

“Freedom is worth fighting for; even if I perish, my children will live the benefits of my battle”
18 Words of Fundamental Wotanists by American Front Political Prisoner Jake Laskey.                              1 =A, 8 =H. 18 = Adolf Hitler
 Jake Laskey #68777-065  
USP Victorville 
P O Box 3900 
Adelanto CA 92301 U S A                                                             

Saturday, 28 June 2014

WHAT WE ARE by Jake Laskey Political Prisoner

by Jake Laskey   
Political Prisoner  11 Juno 2014
As Midgard turns its orbit spinning in Space, this planet carries on its over seven billion beings who all live and die oblivious to the immeasurable existence lying Beyond. Oblivious of the importance, their individual value in the Cosmos, lost in materialism, greed, degeneracy, and racial miscegenation pushed on them by ruling Elite Globalists.

We are a grain of Cosmic dust, a minuscule microscopic speck lost in the Infinity of the vast expanse of the expanding Universe with its multi-verses. There is no true up, nor down, nor left or right, nor a centre. Nothing but the Absolute which stretches further than our feeble minds can conceive created through what scientists call the Big Bang.

We are an atom in a blade of grass in a field in another dimension. What must be understood though is this tiny grain of Cosmic dust, this little globe around a bright Star we call the Sun, is our only reality in this Life we live. Midgard is a Microcosm in the Microcosm, as Man is a Being among millions of Beings, he, too, is a Macrocosm. As Midgard is the most important planet in the Universe we live, so is Aryan Man the most important Being upon Midgard.

The Sun is the Life-Giver, the Source of Light. It is this Sun, worshipped by the First Peoples who inhabited this speck of dirt eons ago, which had created doctrines Man made to explain the Natural, to explain Nature’s Laws and the Supernatural. As our Ancestral Knowledge were to wane, Wisdom and Truths were preserved by allegories and passed down through the Ages to Kinsmen orally until written on stone or papyrus. We Tru Wotanists, seek the fragments found to attain Uber-consciousness [Uber= Above/Over] our Aryan Atlantean Race practiced many millennia ago [Aryan Atlantean for the Christian may be construed as being the Adamic Race].            

The First Law of Nature is the Preservation of One’s Own Kind. Aryankind is to preserve and protect our Blood by nay and all means necessary. By understanding our Past, our Genetic Memory, by knowing the Ancient Customs, Traditions, Practices, Lore and Origins, we can learn and must attain what our Ancients knew. Prophet David Lane’s 14 Words and now the Fundamental Wotanist 18 Words are part of the Divine Mission for the preservation and propagation and advancement for our People, to help Illuminate our Noble Aryan Race’s Path and Future.

Through personal Self-Realization we may each Become the Ubermensch [Overmen] and save our People for our New Era. Hail the Gods!
“…myth is an integral component of all religions” 
– C.G.Jung, the Undiscovered Self 
“Freedom is worth fighting for; even if I perish, my children will live the benefits of my battle” – 18 Words of Fundamental Wotanists by American Front Political Prisoner Jake Laskey.    1 = A, 8 = H. 18 = Adolf Hitler                
 Contact:                                   Jake Laskey #68777-065  
USP Victorville 
P O Box 3900 
Adelanto  CA 92301  U S A

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Symbiosis by Vidarolf A O R (Finnish)

Symbioosi: Keskinäinen riippuvuus ei INDEPENDENCE
by Vidarolf A.O.R.,

Riippumattomuus on virheellinen arvo, joka kansamme West omaksua niiden vastuullamme. Sanon se on harhaluulo, koska itsenäisyys on sen arvo, sen tarkoitus, ja se on osa sekä luonnon ja yliluonnollisen kasvusykliä. On tarkoituksenmukaista, keino toisistaan ​​riippuvaisia ​​loppuun. Silti, kuten pää, osalta meidän Arian folkish kamppailut, se on enemmän uhka kuin folkish tilaisuus, kun keskinäinen riippuvuus on laiminlyöty. In-taistelut ja eripuraisuutta ovat usein sen tuloksia.

Velvollisuutemme Vinlanders on keskinäinen riippuvuus, ei itsenäisyyttä, paitsi rajoitettu tarkoituksenmukaista mielessä. Syklinen rakenne uskontomme, mytologia, teologian, kosmologian, kosmogonian, metafysiikka, luonto ja jopa ihmisluonto on keskinäinen riippuvuus sen oman maalin ja prosesseja.

Rotumme kärsii takia yli riippumattomuuden ja hyper-yksilöllisyys, itsekkyys, jokainen itse, suurempi vastustuskyky viranomaiselle ja perinne, epäluottamus luottamuksen ja organisoinnin puute, yhteistyö ja liikearvon.

Vuonna vankilaympäristö henkilökohtainen anti sosiaalista riippumattomuutta ilmaistaan ​​virheellinen tavalla, kuin on "yksin" latin termi, joka tarkoittaa yksin. Näemme sen meidän uskonto lukemattomia yksilöitä ja riippumaton suvut, jotka ovat koskaan valtion Evanescence ja purkaminen.

Keskinäinen riippuvuus, synergia ja symbioosi on totta tavoitteena terveellistä folkish elämää. Näemme sen henkilöt elinkaaren kuin hän kasvaa, kypsyy, naimisiin, rodut, ja lopulta tavoittaa yhteisöön. Liiketoiminnassa menestyvä yritys, yrittäjä tai multi miljonääri päättyy aina uransa hyväntekeväisyyttä. Islanti olisi koskaan selvinnyt ilman kauppaa muualla Euroopassa. Vuonna Odinic kosmogonian, meidän jumalia tehnyt monia maailmoja vuorovaikutuksessa.

Meidän teologia on toisistaan ​​riippuvaisia ​​totuus jumalia, Puolijumalat, tontut ja miehiä. Kuten paranee haluavat. Odinic Rite on esimerkillisesti keskinäinen riippuvuus ja se näkyy meidän liturgia:
"Voi niitä, jotka näyttävät olevan totta, voi ne, jotka seuraavat uskollisia, niin että me voidaan sitoa ympyrän yhtenäisyyden ja kunnia."

'American Federal Justice' by David Hoffman (Chinese)

美国联邦司法部门:最佳'只是我们的钱可以买到 2014年6月11日Pravda.ru由大卫·霍夫曼转载公共利益受版权保护的研究和学习目的“。观点仍然是那些作者完全。由各地Jr的FoGDL强调]









我在以前的Pravda.Ru文章讨论的一个例子是哈立德·埃尔 - 马斯里,谁是由中央情报局绑架,鸡奸,脚镣,并进行感官剥夺了几个月德国公民的情况下才该机构意识到它已经绑架错了人。但是,当他要求赔偿在美国法院对这些暴行,美国联邦地方法院法官变性人埃利斯,三,驳回了他的诉讼,这是最终由美国最高法院维持不公平。

另一个例子是理查德·亚历山大从南本德,印第安纳州,谁没有收到一分钱的赔偿,即使他已被错误关押了五年多的情况下。根据联邦法官谁驳回了他的情况下,亚历山大无权获得补偿,因为他无法证明他已起诉“恶意” - 即假定了一个调查的对象一个可笑的法律合理化,可以透过通灵一些奇怪的形式反渗透,读谁是他的目标非常人的思想和动机。





当另一位建筑师,这些备忘录中,周杰伦拜比,作为对上诉法院第九巡回审判庭一位联邦法官;当三拜比对第九巡回 - 雷蒙德·费舍尔,N.兰迪·史密斯,和丽贝卡R.同事Pallmeyer,是如此渴望的任何法律后果,这些备忘录,他们基本上给了美国政府的绝缘他和柳的电力折磨自己的公民不受惩罚,只需避免使用单词“酷刑”的。

当联邦法官罗斯玛丽哥烈扩展了这一权力,甚至进一步通过给美国政府外处决执行本国公民的合法权力;并当上了美国最高法院5所谓“法官”是如此反动,根据文章由Geoffrey R.石在每日野兽,他们“一直显示没有理解或者关心少数族裔的利益,女性,持不同政见者,或宗教少数群体“,但始终显示不折不扣的同情为”枪支所有者,公司,亿万富翁,和那些谁反对努力纠正过去的歧视。“








据大进,这些“中介人”基本上是“私人资助的,所有费用支付法官的旅行”与企业赞助商支付“的航班,酒店客房和餐点。”身为法官的一个优点是定义法的参数的能力。所以很自然,斯卡利亚和托马斯,以及约翰·罗伯茨,阿利托,和安东尼·肯尼迪,建成倚重腐败的兰达 - 非常狭隘的解释依据的麦卡琴决策的决定。







Měiguó liánbāng sīfǎ bùmén: Zuì jiā'zhǐshì wǒmen de qián kěyǐ mǎi dào
2014 nián 6 yuè 11 rì Pravda.Ru yóu dà wèi·huò fū màn zhuǎnzài gōnggòng lìyì shòu bǎnquán bǎohù de yánjiū hé xuéxí mùdì “. Guāndiǎn réngrán shì nàxiē zuòzhě wánquán. Yóu gèdì Jr de FoGDL qiángdiào]

rènhé rén shuí zài měiguó fǎxuéyuàn lùqǔ tōngcháng yù dào liǎng lèi xuéshēng: Nàxiē shuí shì lìjǐ de, tóujīqǔqiǎo,(yǒushí shì fǎn shèhuì de), cóng'ér chákàn tāmen de fǎlǜ jiàoyù wèi tújìng, yǐ jīnróng fánróng hé/huò huòdé quánlì de shǒuduàn zài tāmen de rénlèi tóngbāo; hé nàxiē shuí shì lǐxiǎng zhǔyì zhě, xīwàng yòng fǎlǜ lái dǎjí bù gōngzhèng hé jiūzhèng shèhuì de cuòwù.
 Píng xīn ér lùn, xǔduō lǐxiǎng zhǔyì zhě de bù wánquánlìtā de, yīnwèi tāmen kěwàng zhǔzhāng de yuányīn chángcháng huì qīnzì shòuyì. Dànshì, rúguǒ tāmen chénggōngle, tāmen de xuānchuán jiāng yǒulìyú qítā rén.

Rán'ér, guòyú pínfán, yīdàn zhèxiē lǐxiǎng zhǔyì de xuéshēng líkāi de jiǎngzuò, qímò kǎoshì hé xuéshù biànlùn de kètáng shìjiè jìnrù fǎlǜ jiè rénshì, tāmen yóu sì gè cánkù de xiànshí zāoyù:

1, Měiguó de fǎlǜ zhìdù jiāng gèngjiā nǔlì, yǐ yǔnxǔ, tuīguǎng hé yánxù bù gōngzhèng hé yǎngài zhēnxiàng yào bǐ tā huì yǔnxǔ, tuīguǎng hé yánxù zhèngyì hé zhēnqíng liúlù;

2, chǎnquán yǒngyuǎn shèngguò rénquán;

3, měiguó de xiànfǎ, rénquán yóuqíshì bǐ'ěr, bǐ zī rǎo, fǎguān jīngcháng jiěgù huò hūlüè měi dāng tā yǔ tāmen de gèrén piānjiàn, lìyì huò zhèngzhì yìchéng de gānrǎo gèng xiǎo;

4, hái yǒu shuí fànfǎ de zuìfàn hé jǐngchá, jiǎnchá guān héfǎguān shuí lǐyīng zhíxíng tā, yīn wéi suǒyǒu de rén dōu jīngcháng shǐyòng sìshì'érfēi de hélǐhuà lái zhèngmíng tāmen de xūwèi, huǎngyán, fǔbài, hé/huò fànzuìxíngwéi zhī jiān chángcháng chābié bù dà.

Lìrú, yǐ gù de xǐjù yǎnyuán lǐ chá dé·pǔ lài ěr céng duì zāoyù, tā yǔ yīgè fànrén, dāng gōngzuò zài diànyǐng jiǎobàn fēngkuáng de. Yīgè rùshì dàoqiè de guòchéng zhōng, zhège fànrén shāhàile zhěnggè jiātíng, dāng pǔ lài ěr wèn wèishéme, tā huídá shuō,“tāmen shì [yuánwén] huí jiā.” Ér dāng zhùmíng de (huò chòumíng zhāozhù de kěnéng) de yínháng qiǎngjié fàn wēi lì·sà dùn bèi wèn dào wèishéme yào qiǎng yínháng shí, tā huídá shuō:“Zhè jiùshì qián.”

Nàxiē shuí zài fǎlǜ zhī wài yùnzuò hé nàxiē shuí lǐyīng fúwù hé/huò tā de bǎohù zhī jiān de gēnběn qūbié zàiyú, jiǎnchá guān, fǎguān, péishěn tuán hé dìngqí huì jùjué qiánzhě de sìshì'érfēi de hélǐhuà, dàn háo bù yóuyù de yǒngbào de sìshì'érfēi de hélǐhuà hòu zhě, jíshǐ tāmen cóngshì lìng rén fàzhǐ de xíngwéi hé/huò zuò duō, shènzhì gèng duō, wéihài bǐ xǔduō zuìfàn.

Wǒ zài yǐqián de Pravda.Ru wénzhāng tǎolùn de yīgè lìzi shì hālì dé·āi ěr - mǎ sī lǐ, shuí shì yóu zhōngyāng qíngbào jú bǎngjià, jījiān, jiǎoliào, bìng jìnxíng gǎnguān bōduóle jǐ gè yuè déguó gōngmín de qíngkuàng xià cái gāi jīgòu yìshí dào tā yǐjīng bǎngjià cuòle rén. Dànshì, dāng tā yāoqiú péicháng zài měiguó fǎyuàn duì zhèxiē bàoxíng, měiguó liánbāng dìfāng fǎyuàn fǎguān biànxìng rén āi lì sī, sān, bóhuíle tā de sùsòng, zhè shì zuìzhōng yóu měiguó zuìgāo fǎyuàn wéichí bù gōngpíng.

Lìng yīgè lìzi shì lǐ chá dé·yàlìshāndà cóng nán běn dé, yìndì'ānnà zhōu, shuí méiyǒu shōu dào yī fēn qián de péicháng, jíshǐ tā yǐ bèi cuòwù guānyāle wǔ nián duō de qíngkuàng xià. Gēnjù liánbāng fǎguān shuí bóhuíle tā de qíngkuàng xià, yàlìshāndà wú quán huòdé bǔcháng, yīnwèi tā wúfǎ zhèngmíng tā yǐ qǐsù “èyì” - jí jiǎdìngle yīgè diàochá de duìxiàng yīgè kěxiào de fǎlǜ hélǐhuà, kěyǐ tòuguò tōng líng yīxiē qíguài de xíngshì fǎn shèntòu, dú shuí shì tā de mùbiāo fēichángrén de sīxiǎng hé dòngjī.

Érqiě, dāngrán, zhège qīngdān jiāng bù huì shì wánquán de méiyǒu lǐyóu yòu zài nǎlǐ péishěn tuán wú zuì shìfàngle shuí cóng shì guo dà de lì tāotiān zuì xíng jǐngchá wòchuò de lìzi kàn shì wújìn de jìnzhǎn. Zhè yīcì de shòuhài zhě shì wú jiā kě guī de rén, míng jiào tuōmǎsī·kǎilì, shuí shì yóu fù lè dùn, jiālìfúníyǎ zhōu jǐngchá bùmén de chéngyuán ōudǎ zhìsǐ.

Wǒ yòng zhège lìzi bùjǐn yào tíxǐng zhège pànjué de duòluò de rén, yě yīnwèi zhège kěpà de bēijù pòshǐ tuōmǎsī de fùqīn lái jiǎnjié dì biǎodále hěn huànmiè xǔduō lǐxiǎng zhǔyì de fǎ xué xuéshēng zhùdìng fāxiàn:“Wǒ bù xiāngxìn zài xìtǒng zhōng. Zěnme néng péishěn tuán huílái yǔ bù rènzuì, shènzhì méiyǒu guo dà de lì zhìshǎo? Wǒ bù xiāngxìn rènhéshìqíng xiànzài.“

Dāng zhè zhǒng huànmiè gǎn chǎnshēng, yīdàn lǐxiǎng huà de lǜshī tōngcháng zhǐyǒu liǎng gè jiānnán de xuǎnzé: Tāmen kěyǐ líkāi fǎlǜ jiè rénshì gāncuì, bìng shìtú lìyòng zìjǐ de fǎlǜ xuéwèi, jìnrù qítā hángyè, yīgè jīngcháng xīyǐn lì de xuǎnzé duìyú nàxiē bèifùzhe gāo de xuéshēng dàikuǎn zhàiwù, yīnwèi xǔduō zhèxiē lìnglèi de zhíyè bú fùchū fēicháng hǎo, yě kěyǐ bǎochí zìjǐ de bízi lái zǔzhǐ èchòu, mámù zìjǐ de liángxīn, yǒu méiyǒu xīwàng zhǎodào zhèngyì de jìnrù fǎtíng, jīxiè de zǒu zǒuguòchǎng, shōuqǔ qí fèiyòng, bìng yídòng dào tāmen de xià yīgè kèhù duān.

Suīrán zhè jiāng shì róngyì de zìsī zì lì de jīhuì zhǔyì zhě, lǐxiǎng zhǔyì zhě yěxǔ, suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí, fāxiàn tā kàn qǐlái yuè lái yuè nányǐ zài jìng zhōng de zìjǐ. Zài xiànshí zhōng, zhè shì rènhé rén dōu nányǐ yǒu xìnxīn zài měiguó de fǎlǜ zhìdù shí, jīntiān suǒwèi de “fǎnkǒng zhànzhēng” de bùduàn bèi yòng lái zuòwéi jièkǒu, xiāomiè rénquán fǎ'àn; dāng yuēhàn liǔ, zhè cùchéngle zhè yī chōuqǔ chòumíng zhāozhù de kùxíng bèiwànglù de jiànzhú shī zhī yī, xiànrèn jiào fǎlǜ kè zài jiāzhōu dàxué bókèlì fēnxiào.

Dāng lìng yī wèi jiànzhú shī, zhèxiē bèiwànglù zhōng, zhōujiélún bài bǐ, zuòwéi duì shàngsù fǎyuàn dì jiǔ xúnhuí shěnpàn tíng yī wèi liánbāng fǎguān; dāng sān bài bǐ duì dì jiǔ xúnhuí - léi méng dé·fèi shě ěr,N. Lán dí·shǐmìsī, hé lì bèi kǎ R. Tóngshì Pallmeyer, shì rúcǐ kěwàng de rènhé fǎlǜ hòuguǒ, zhèxiē bèiwànglù, tāmen jīběn shàng gěile měiguó zhèngfǔ de juéyuán tā hé liǔ de diànlì zhémó zìjǐ de gōngmín bù shòu chéngfá, zhǐ xū bìmiǎn shǐyòng dāncí “kùxíng” de.

Dāng liánbāng fǎguān luósī mǎlì gē liè kuòzhǎnle zhè yī quánlì, shènzhì jìnyībù tōngguò gěi měiguó zhèngfǔ wài chǔjué zhíxíng běnguó gōngmín de hé fǎ quánlì; bìng dāng shàngle měiguó zuìgāo fǎyuàn 5 suǒwèi “fǎguān” shì rúcǐ fǎndòng, gēnjù wénzhāng yóu Geoffrey R. Shí zài měi rì yěshòu, tāmen “yīzhí xiǎnshì méiyǒu lǐjiě huòzhě guānxīn shǎoshù zú yì de lìyì, nǚxìng, chí bùtóng zhèngjiàn zhě, huò zōngjiào shǎoshù qúntǐ “, dàn shǐzhōng xiǎnshì bù zhé bù kòu de tóngqíng wèi” qiāngzhī suǒyǒu zhě, gōngsī, yì wàn fùwēng, hé nàxiē shuí fǎnduì nǔlì jiūzhèng guòqù de qí shì.“

Ér dāng nǐ zài tāmen de mièshì gōnghuì hé gōngrén quánlì de yīnsù, yě jiù bù nán lǐjiě, wèishéme wǒ shuō, zài wǒ zuìjìn de Pravda.Ru wénzhāng dǐzhì wēisīkāngxīng zhōu hé xīlà, niǔyuē (2014 nián 5 yuè 15 rì), rènwéi zhǐyǒu quánlì hé lìyì zhèxiē suǒwèi de “fǎguān” guānxīn de shì “quánlì hé měiguó rén shuí yǒngyǒule guǎngdà de jīnqián shǎoshù rén de lìyì.” Zhèngrú wǒ zài dǐzhì wénzhāng jìnyībù zhǐchū, zhè yī xiànshí yǐjīng jiàn lì liǎo bùkě mómiè zài zuìjìn de liǎng gè zuìgāo fǎyuàn de pànjué, měiguó gōngmín yǔ qián xiàng jiū cuò (2010 nián) hé mài kǎ qín yǔ FEC(2014 nián).

Yóuyú wǒ zài tǎolùn dǐzhì zhèxiē juédìng de jùtǐ qíngkuàng, wǒ jiāng bù zhuìshù. Zhè zúyǐ rán'ér shuō, tāmen měi gèrén dōu méi fǎ bǐ tígāo lìyòng zìjǐ pángdà de cáizhèng zīyuán lái yǐngxiǎng hé fǔbài de zhèngzhì xuǎnjǔ hé hòuxuǎn rén de yì wàn fùwēng de nénglì.

Suīrán yánjiū zhè piān wénzhāng, wǒ yìshí dào zhè shì cuòwù de, xiànzhì wǒ de guānyú měiguó gōngmín hé mài kǎ qín zài liánbāng, zhōu dāngxuǎn de zhèngzhì jiā hé dìfāng gè jí zhèngfǔ de fǔhuà yǐngxiǎng de dānyōu. Yīnwèi tāmen xū wèi bàngōngshì pǎo měi gé jǐ nián, suǒwèi de “zhèngzhì xiànjīn” hé “dàiyán” de bùduàn xūqiú kěnéng shì ángguì de, jíshǐ shì yì wàn fùwēng.

Xiǎnrán, shuí sìhū yǐjīng cóng zuì shòuyì de yì wàn fùwēng zhè liǎng gè zuìgāo fǎyuàn de pànjué, yòuyì kē hè xiōngdì, yě xuéhuìle zhè yī kè, bìngqiě yìshí dào zhè shì chéngběn gèng dī, gèngjiā wùshí de gòumǎi liánbāng fǎguān hé zuìgāo fǎyuàn fǎguān shuí yǒngyǒu zhōngshēn rènqí nèi, cóng'ér nénggòu jiēnà tāmen de yāoqiú hé yuànwàngle jǐ shí nián. Suǒyǐ bìng bù qíguài, dāng niǔyuē shíbào bàodào zài 2011 nián de yī piān wénzhāng, liǎng gè suǒwèi de “fǎguān” shuí zànchéng měiguó gōngmín, āndōngníng sī kǎ lì yǎ hé kèlā lún sī·tuōmǎsī tóu, hái céng chūxiànzài “zhèngzhì wùxū huì”, yóu zhǔbàn kē hè xiōngdì.

Jīntiān, zài wēisīkāngxīng zhōu, wǒmen zhèngzài mùdǔ zhè yī fǔbài zài qí suǒyǒu de huīhuáng, yǐjí nà de kē hè xiōngdì de zhèngzhì kuǐlěi huì xià chén, yǐ bǎohù bìng fùgài bǐcǐ shēn chǔ de lìliàng. Yīgè zhèyàng de kuǐlěi shì wēisīkāngxīng zhōuzhōuzhǎng sī kē tè·wòkè, shuí, zài tā de láo fáng tǎofá, bèi shòupiàn huídá yīgè èzuòjù diànhuà, tā xiāngxìn zhèngzài qǔdé yóu kē hè xiōngdì zhī yī.

Xiǎnrán shì lìng yīgè zhèyàng de kuǐlěi shì liánbāng fǎguān lǔ dàofū T. Lán dá, shuí zuìjìn tíngzhǐ diàochá qíjiān bàmiǎn xuǎnjǔ wòkè de zhèngzhì yùndòng hé wàibù lìyì jítuán zhī jiān shèxián wéifǎ de xiétiáo. Xǔduō xiéyǎn kànle kàn zài lán dá de cáijué, tèbié shì yīnwèi tā de qīzi hé tā de sīfǎ zhùlǐ de zhàngfū dōu yǒuguò cáiwù guānxì wòkè de yùndòng.

Wǒ de dǐzhì wénzhāng xiě hòu bùjiǔ, jìn (2014 nián 5 yuè 27 rì), yǐnyòngle méitǐ zhōngxīn yǔ mínzhǔ de fēnxī, bàodào shuō, xiàng sī kǎ lì yǎ hé tuōmǎsī, lán dá hái chūxí “sīfǎ zhōngjiè rén”, yóu kē hè xiōngdì zīzhù, ér Kochs yě tígōng zījīn, běn jítuán wēisīkāngxīn zēngzhǎng jùlèbù, zài nà tíqǐ sùsòng, yāoqiú lán dá tíngzhǐ wòkè diàochá fēicháng qún zǔ.

Jù dà jìn, zhèxiē “zhōngjiè rén” jīběn shàng shì “sīrén zīzhù de, suǒyǒu fèiyòng zhīfù fǎguān de lǚxíng” yǔ qǐyè zànzhù shāng zhīfù “de hángbān, jiǔdiàn kèfáng hé cān diǎn.” Shēn wèi fǎguān de yīgè yōudiǎn shì dìngyì fǎ de cān shǔ de nénglì. Suǒyǐ hěn zìrán, sī kǎ lì yǎ hé tuōmǎsī, yǐjí yuēhàn·luōbócí, ā lì tuō, hé ān dōng ní·kěnnídí, jiànchéng yǐzhòng fǔbài de lán dá - fēi cháng xiá'ài de jiěshì yījù de mài kǎ qín juécè de juédìng.

Yòng sìshì'érfēi de hélǐhuà de jìshù wǒ zài běnwén qiánmiàn tǎolùn zhōng, zuìgāo fǎyuàn pàndìng jìnzhǐ měiguó gōngmín hé mài kǎ qín de wéiyī lèixíng de fǔbài shì “děng jià jiāohuàn” de fǔbài, qízhōng yīgèrén zhíjiē xínghuì, yǐ huànqǔ yīgè zhèngzhì jiā huò fǎguān jùtǐ de hǎochù huò cáijué. Zhè dāngrán yìwèizhe, dāng qián bèi jiànjiē dì gěi chū, méi yǒu fǔbài cúnzài.
Yóu cǐ bù nán yùjiàn cǐ zhǒng xiàndìng de hòuguǒ.

Lìrú, jǐnguǎn tā kěnéng shì fēifǎ de tōngguò tígōng tā/tā de qián gòumǎi ōuzhōu zhī xíng zhíjiē huìlù fǎguān de yǒu lì cáijué, suǒyǒu gè rén huò zǔzhī xūyào zuò de, dádào tóngyàng de jiéguǒ shì zhīfù jīpiào hé zhùsù zìjǐ, ránhòu diǎn “zànzhù” fǎguān de xíngchéng dào ōu zhōu “sīfǎ huìyì.” Shíjiān tài zhǎngle rénmen tiānzhēn dì rènwéi, liánbāng fǎguān hé “fǎguān” shì miǎnyì fǔbài. Xiànzài shìshíhòu rènshí dào, zhè yào guīgōng yú qí yīshēng rènqí hé cāozòng fǎlǜ de nénglì, tāmen cái shì zuì róngyì de.

Shì shí shàng, zài “zhǐyǒu wǒmen” de xīntài hé měiguó de liánbāng sīfǎ dàodé kōngxū de yòu yī āng zāng xiǎnshì, shàngsù fǎyuàn zuìjìn lán dá wéichí yuán pàn de pànjué. Jiāng duì cǐ cǎiqǔ xiāngyìng de zhè zhǒng rìyì zēngzhǎng de sīfǎ fǔbài? Zhè shì zhídé huáiyí de, yīn wéi shì shuí de dōu yīnggāi shì dǎjí tā yěshì nàxiē cóngzhōng shòuyì. Zài měiguó gèdì de fǎyuàn dàlóu de qiángbì wǎngwǎng kè yǒu guānyú “zhēnlǐ” hé chéncílàndiào “zhèngyì”.

Dànshì, duìyú shù yǐ bǎi wàn jì dì měiguó rén xiàn zài shuí kěyǐ kǎodǎ hé bèi fǎ wài chǔjué tāmen zìjǐ de zhèngfǔ hé zhíxíng qí quán lì, lìyì, xìnyǎng bù zài xiāngguān de liánbāng sīfǎ bùmén, yěxǔ shì yīgè xīn de tící huì bǐjiào hé shì.

Xǐhuān dehuà dàn dīng xiǎngdào dìyù zhī mén:“Fàngqì xīwàng, nǐmen dōu shuí zài zhèlǐ shūrù.”

Pravda.Ru de dà wèi·R·huò fū màn fǎlǜ biānjí qì

Magistrature fédérale des Etats-Unis: Best 'vient de nous' argent peut acheter American Federal Justice by David Hoffman (French)

Magistrature fédérale des Etats-Unis: Best 'vient de nous' argent peut acheter
06/11/2014                                                               par David Hoffman
[Reproduit dans l'intérêt public dans des «fins de recherche et d'étude 'auteur. Opinions restent celles de l'auteur tout. L'accent tout au long de FoGDL Jr]

Toute personne qui s'inscrit à une école de droit américaine rencontre généralement deux types d'étudiants: ceux qui sont égoïstes, opportunistes, (et parfois sociopathes), et afficher ainsi leur formation juridique en tant que voie de la prospérité financière et / ou un moyen d'acquérir le pouvoir sur leurs frères humains; et ceux qui sont idéalistes et espèrent utiliser la loi pour lutter contre l'injustice et remédier à un préjudice social.

 Par souci d'équité, la plupart de ces idéalistes ne sont pas complètement altruiste, parce que les causes qu'ils souhaitent défendre seront souvent leur profiter personnellement. Mais si elles sont couronnées de succès, leur défense bénéficiera d'autres aussi.

Pourtant, trop souvent, une fois que ces étudiants idéalistes quitter le monde de la classe de cours, examens finaux, et les débats scientifiques à entrer dans la profession juridique, ils sont confrontés à quatre dures réalités:

. 1 système juridique des Etats-Unis va travailler plus fort pour permettre, promouvoir et perpétuer l'injustice et dissimuler la vérité que ce sera de permettre, de promouvoir et de perpétuer la justice et révéler la vérité;

. 2 droits de propriété sera toujours l'emporter sur les droits de l'homme;

. 3 La Constitution des États-Unis, en particulier la Charte des droits, est un peu plus une nuisance que les juges rejettent ou ignorent quand il interfère avec leurs préjugés personnels, les intérêts ou les agendas politiques régulièrement;

4. Il est souvent peu de différence entre les criminels qui enfreignent la loi et la police, les procureurs et les juges qui appliquent soi-disant, parce que tous utilisent régulièrement rationalisations spécieux pour justifier leur hypocrisie, le mensonge, la corruption, et / ou de la criminalité.

Par exemple, le regretté comédien Richard Pryor dit une fois d'une rencontre qu'il a eue avec un détenu tout en travaillant sur le film Stir Crazy. Ce détenu avait tué toute une famille au cours d'un cambriolage, et quand Pryor a demandé pourquoi, il a répondu: «Ils étaient [sic] à la maison." Et quand on a demandé célèbre (ou peut-être infâme) voleur de banque Willie Sutton pourquoi il a volé les banques, il a répondu, «C'est là que l'argent."

La différence fondamentale entre ceux qui opèrent en dehors de la loi et ceux qui soi-disant servir et / ou sont protégés par la c'est que les procureurs, les juges et les jurys seront systématiquement rejeter les rationalisations spécieux de l'ancien, mais n'hésitera pas à embrasser les rationalisations spécieux de la dernier, même quand ils adoptent un comportement scandaleux et / ou faire du mal autant, voire plus, que de nombreux criminels.

Un exemple que je l'ai expliqué dans de précédents articles Pravda.Ru est le cas de Khaled el-Masri, un citoyen allemand qui a été enlevé par la CIA, sodomisée, enchaîné et soumis à la privation sensorielle pendant plusieurs mois avant que l'agence a réalisé qu'il avait enlevé le mauvais homme. Mais quand il a demandé réparation devant les tribunaux américains pour ces atrocités, des États-Unis juge fédéral TS Ellis, III, a rejeté sa plainte, une injustice qui a finalement été confirmée par la Cour suprême des États-Unis.

Un autre exemple est le cas de Richard Alexander de South Bend, Indiana, qui n'a pas reçu un sou de compensation, même si il avait été injustement emprisonné pendant plus de cinq ans. Selon le magistrat fédéral qui a rejeté son cas, Alexander n'a pas droit à une indemnisation parce qu'il ne pouvait pas prouver qu'il avait été poursuivi en «mauvaise foi» - une rationalisation juridique ridicule que suppose la cible d'une enquête peut, grâce à une certaine forme bizarre de psychique osmose, lire dans les pensées et les motivations des gens qui lui sont ciblent.

Et, bien sûr, cette liste ne serait pas complète sans citer encore un autre dans la progression apparemment sans fin d'exemples sordides où les jurés ont acquitté les policiers qui se livrent à des actes horribles de force excessive. Cette fois, la victime était un homme sans-abri nommé Kelly Thomas, qui a été battu à mort par des membres du service de police de Fullerton, en Californie.

J'utilise cet exemple non seulement pour rappeler aux gens de la dépravation de ce verdict, mais aussi parce que cette horrible tragédie contraint le père de Thomas d'exprimer succinctement la désillusion de très nombreux étudiants en droit idéalistes sont destinés à découvrir: "Je ne crois pas dans le système. Comment le jury pouvait revenir avec non coupable, même pas une force excessive au minimum? Je ne crois en rien en ce moment ".

Lorsque cette désillusion se pose, avocats fois idéalistes sont généralement laissés avec deux choix difficiles: ils peuvent soit quitter la profession juridique tout à fait et tenter d'utiliser leur diplôme en droit de saisir d'autres professions, un choix souvent désagréable pour ceux qui sont accablés par la dette de prêt de haute étudiant, parce beaucoup de ces autres professions ne paient pas très bien ou ils peuvent se boucher le nez pour bloquer la puanteur, engourdir leurs consciences, entrent dans la salle, sans aucun espoir de trouver la justice, vont mécaniquement par les mouvements, recueillir leurs frais, et passer à leur prochain client.

Bien que ce serait facile pour les opportunistes égoïstes, idéalistes peuvent, au fil du temps, trouvent de plus en plus difficile de se regarder dans le miroir. En réalité, il est difficile pour quiconque d'avoir foi dans le système juridique de l'Amérique d'aujourd'hui lorsque le soi-disant «guerre contre le terrorisme» est sans cesse utilisé comme une excuse pour décimer la Déclaration des droits; quand John Yoo, un des architectes des mémos sur la torture infâmes qui ont contribué à cette décimation, enseigne actuellement des cours de droit à l'Université de Californie à Berkeley.

Quand un autre architecte de ces mémos, Jay Bybee, sert un juge fédéral à la Cour d'appel du neuvième circuit; lorsque trois de ses collègues Bybee sur le neuvième circuit-Raymond C. Fisher, N. Randy Smith, et Rebecca R. Pallmeyer-étaient si désireux de lui et Yoo isoler contre les répercussions juridiques de ces mémos qu'ils ont donné essentiellement le gouvernement des États-Unis, le puissance à la torture ses propres citoyens en toute impunité, tout simplement en évitant l'utilisation du mot «torture».

Lorsque juge fédéral Rosemary Collyer a étendu ce pouvoir encore plus loin en donnant au gouvernement des États-Unis l'autorité juridique d'exécuter extrajudiciaire ses propres citoyens; et lorsque cinq dits «juges» de la Cour suprême des États-Unis sont si réactionnaire qui, selon un article de Geoffrey R. Stone dans The Daily Beast, ils "montrent toujours pas de compréhension ou de préoccupation pour les intérêts des minorités raciales, les femmes , les dissidents politiques ou religieuses », mais toujours afficher l'empathie sans bornes pour" les propriétaires d'armes, de sociétés, de milliardaires, et ceux qui s'opposent efforts pour remédier à la discrimination passée ".

Et quand vous prenez en compte leur mépris pour les syndicats et les droits des travailleurs, il n'est pas difficile de comprendre pourquoi je l'ai dit, dans mon récent article Pravda.Ru Boycott Wisconsin et de la Grèce, de New York (15/05/2014), que la seule droits et intérêts de ces soi-disant "juges" soins sur les «droits et intérêts de la minorité d'Américains qui possèdent la majorité de l'argent." Comme je l'ai dit plus loin dans l'article de Boycott, cette réalité a été établie de manière indélébile dans deux récentes décisions de la Cour suprême Citizens United vs-FEC (2010) et McCutcheon vs FEC (2014).

Depuis, j'ai discuté les détails de ces décisions dans Boycott, je ne vais pas les répéter ici. Qu'il suffise de dire, cependant, que chacun d'eux améliore considérablement la capacité de milliardaires à utiliser leurs vastes ressources financières pour influencer et les élections et les candidats politiques corrompus.

Bien que des recherches de cet article, j'ai réalisé qu'il était erroné de limiter mes préoccupations au sujet de l'influence corruptrice de Citizens United et McCutcheon aux politiciens élus au fédéral, d'État et des administrations locales. Comme ils sont tenus de se présenter aux élections tous les deux ans, la demande constante de soi-disant «contributions de campagne" et "mentions" peut être coûteux, même pour les milliardaires.

Apparemment, les milliardaires qui semblent avoir le plus bénéficié de ces deux décisions de la Cour suprême- la droite frères Koch ont également appris cette leçon, et s'est rendu compte qu'il est moins coûteux et plus pragmatique pour acheter les juges fédéraux et les juges de la Cour suprême qui ont la durée de vie mandat et peut donc accéder à leurs demandes et leurs désirs pour des décennies. Il n'était donc pas surprenant quand le New York Times a rapporté dans un article 2011 que deux des soi-disant «juges» qui ont voté en faveur de Citizens United, Antonin Scalia et Clarence Thomas, avait également apparu à «retraites politiques», parrainé par le frères Koch.

Aujourd'hui, dans le Wisconsin, nous assistons à la puissance de cette corruption dans toute sa splendeur, ainsi que les profondeurs que les marionnettes politiques des frères Koch va couler à protéger et couvrir un pour l'autre. Une telle marionnette est gouverneur du Wisconsin Scott Walker, qui, lors de sa croisade anti-travail, a été dupé en répondant à un appel téléphonique blague qu'il croyait a été faite par l'un des frères Koch.

Apparemment, un autre de ces marionnettes est juge fédéral Rudolph T. Randa, qui a récemment mis fin à une enquête sur des allégations de coordination illégale entre la campagne politique et des intérêts à l'extérieur des groupes de Walker lors d'une élection de rappel. Beaucoup regardé de travers à la décision de Randa, surtout depuis que sa femme et le mari de son assistant judiciaire avaient tous les deux des liens financiers avec la campagne de Walker.

Peu de temps après mon article de boycott a été rédigé, The Progressive (27/05/2014), citant une analyse par le Centre pour les médias et la démocratie, a indiqué que, comme Scalia et Thomas, Randa a également participé à "jonchées judiciaires» financés par les frères Koch , et que les Kochs avaient également fourni des fonds pour le groupe du Wisconsin Club pour la croissance du groupe-même qui a déposé la plainte demandant Randa pour stopper l'enquête Walker.

Selon The Progressive, ces "junket" étaient essentiellement "à financement privé, les frais de voyages des juges payés" avec des sociétés commanditaires qui paient pour "vols, chambres d'hôtel et les repas." Un avantage d'être un juge est la possibilité de définir les paramètres d'une loi. Alors, naturellement, Scalia et Thomas, avec John Roberts, Samuel Alito et Anthony Kennedy, construit dans la prise de décision McCutcheon largement invoquée par Randa-une définition très étroite de la corruption.

En utilisant la technique de rationalisation spécieux j'ai déjà parlé dans cet article, la Cour suprême a jugé que le seul type de corruption interdite par Citizens United et McCutcheon est «quid pro quo" corruption, où une personne corrompt directement un politicien ou un juge en échange d' faveurs ou décisions spécifiques. Ceci, bien sûr, signifie que lorsque l'argent est donné indirectement, pas la corruption existe.
Il n'est pas difficile de prévoir les conséquences de cette définition limitée.

Par exemple, même si il peut être illégal de corrompre directement un juge pour une décision favorable en lui offrant / de l'argent pour acheter un voyage en Europe, tout ce que les individus ou les organisations doivent faire pour obtenir le même résultat est de payer pour le billet et l'hébergement eux-mêmes, puis "parrainent" le voyage du juge à un Européen "conférence judiciaire." Pendant trop longtemps, les gens ont cru naïvement que les juges fédéraux et «juges» étaient à l'abri de la corruption. Il est temps de reconnaître que, grâce à leurs mandats de durée de vie et la capacité à manipuler la loi, ils sont les plus sensibles à elle.

En fait, dans un autre affichage sordide de la mentalité "juste nous" et vacuité éthique de l'appareil judiciaire fédéral des États-Unis, une cour d'appel a récemment confirmé la décision de Randa. Tout sera fait à ce sujet la corruption judiciaire de plus en plus? Il est douteux, parce que ceux qui sont censés être la combattre sont aussi ceux qui en bénéficient. Murs en palais de justice à travers les États-Unis sont souvent inscrites avec des platitudes sur la «vérité» et «justice».

Mais, pour les millions d'Américains qui peuvent maintenant être torturés et exécutés de manière extrajudiciaire par leur propre gouvernement et dont les droits, les intérêts et les croyances ne sont plus pertinentes à la magistrature fédérale, peut-être une nouvelle inscription serait plus approprié.

Comme les mots de Dante imaginait sur les portes de l'enfer: "Abandonnez toute espérance, vous qui entrez ici."

David R. Hoffman                                                       éditeur juridique de Pravda.Ru

'American Federal Judiciary: Best Just Us money can Buy' article 11.6.14

America's federal judiciary: Best 'just us' money can buy              
11.06.2014                                                            By David Hoffman Reprinted in the Public Interest under copyright 'research and study purposes'. Opinions remain those of the author entirely. Emphasis throughout by FoGDL Jr]

Anyone who enrolls in an American law school usually encounters two types of students:  those who are self-serving, opportunistic, (and sometimes sociopathic), and thus view their legal education as a pathway to financial prosperity and/or a means to acquire power over their fellow human beings; and those who are idealists and hope to use the law to combat injustice and remedy social wrongs.
 In fairness, many of these idealists are not completely altruistic, because the causes they desire to advocate will oftentimes benefit them personally.  But if they are successful, their advocacy will benefit others as well.

Yet, far too often, once these idealistic students leave the classroom world of lectures, final exams, and scholarly debates to enter the legal profession, they are confronted by four harsh realities:

1.    America's legal system will work harder to permit, promote, and perpetuate injustice and cover up the truth than it will to permit, promote, and perpetuate justice and reveal the truth;

2.    Property rights will always trump human rights;

3.    The Constitution of the United States, especially the Bill of Rights, is little more than a nuisance that judges routinely dismiss or ignore whenever it interferes with their personal biases, interests, or political agendas;

4.    There is oftentimes little difference between criminals who break the law and the police, prosecutors, and judges who supposedly enforce it, because all of them routinely use specious rationalisations to justify their hypocrisy, mendacity, corruption, and/or criminality.

For example, the late comedian Richard Pryor once told of an encounter he had with an inmate while working on the movie Stir Crazy.  This inmate had killed an entire family during the course of a burglary, and when Pryor asked why, he replied, "They was [sic] home."  And when famous (or perhaps infamous) bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he answered, "That's where the money is."

The fundamental difference between those who operate outside the law and those who supposedly serve and/or are protected by it is that prosecutors, judges, and juries will routinely reject the specious rationalisations of the former, yet not hesitate to embrace the specious rationalisations of the latter, even when they engage in outrageous conduct and/or do as much, or even more, harm than many criminals.

One example I've discussed in previous Pravda.Ru articles is the case of Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen who was kidnapped by the CIA, sodomized, shackled, and subjected to sensory deprivation for several months before the agency realised it had kidnapped the wrong man. But when he sought compensation in American courts for these atrocities, U.S. Federal District Judge T.S. Ellis, III, dismissed his lawsuit, an injustice that was ultimately upheld by the United States Supreme Court.

Another example is the case of Richard Alexander from South Bend, Indiana, who did not receive a penny in compensation even though he had been wrongfully imprisoned for more than five years.  According to the federal magistrate who dismissed his case, Alexander was not entitled to compensation because he could not prove he had been prosecuted in "bad faith"- a ludicrous legal rationalisation that assumes the target of an investigation can, through some bizarre form of psychic osmosis, read the minds and motivations of the very people who are targeting him.

And, of course, this list would not be complete without citing yet another in the seemingly endless progression of sordid examples where juries have acquitted police officers who engaged in horrendous acts of excessive force.  This time the victim was a homeless man named Kelly Thomas, who was beaten to death by members of the Fullerton, California police department.

I use this example not only to remind people of the depravity of this verdict, but also because this horrific tragedy compelled Thomas's father to succinctly express the very disillusionment many idealistic law students are destined to discover: "I don't believe in the system.  How could the jury come back with not guilty, not even excessive force at a minimum? I don't believe in anything right now."

When this disillusionment arises, once idealistic attorneys are usually left with two difficult choices:  they can either leave the legal profession altogether and attempt to utilise their law degrees to enter other professions-an often unappealing choice for those burdened with high student loan debt, because many of these alternative professions do not pay very well-or they can hold their noses to block the stench, numb their consciences, enter the courtroom with no hope of finding justice, mechanically go through the motions, collect their fees, and move on to their next client.

Although this would be easy for self-serving opportunists, idealists may, over time, find it increasingly difficult to look at themselves in the mirror. In reality, it is difficult for anyone to have faith in America's legal system today when the so-called "war on terror" is incessantly being used as an excuse to decimate the Bill of Rights; when John Yoo, one of the architects of the infamous torture memos that have contributed to this decimation, now teaches law classes at the University of California at Berkeley.

When another architect of these memos, Jay Bybee, serves as a federal judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals; when three of Bybee's colleagues on the Ninth Circuit-Raymond C. Fisher, N. Randy Smith, and Rebecca R. Pallmeyer- were so eager to insulate  him and Yoo from any legal repercussions for these memos that they essentially gave  the United States government the power to torture its own citizens with impunity, simply by avoiding the use of the word "torture".

When federal judge Rosemary Collyer extended this power even further by giving the United States government the legal authority to extra-judicially execute its own citizens; and when five so-called "justices" on the United States Supreme Court are so reactionary that, according to an article by Geoffrey R. Stone in THE DAILY BEAST, they "consistently show no understanding  or concern for the interests of racial minorities, women, political dissenters, or religious minorities," yet consistently display unabashed empathy for "gun owners, corporations, billionaires, and those who oppose efforts to remedy past discrimination."

And when you factor in their contempt for labor unions and workers' rights, it is not hard to understand why I said, in my recent Pravda.Ru article Boycott Wisconsin and Greece, New York (05/15/2014), that the only rights and interests these so-called "justices" care about are the "rights and interests of the minority of Americans who possess the majority of the money." As I further stated in the Boycott article, this reality has been indelibly established in two recent Supreme Court decisions-Citizens United vs. FEC (2010) and McCutcheon vs. FEC (2014).

Since I discussed the specifics of these decisions in Boycott, I will not repeat them here.  Suffice it to say, however, that each of them immeasurably enhances the ability of billionaires to use their vast financial resources to influence and corrupt political elections and candidates.

While researching this article, I realized it was erroneous to limit my concerns about the corrupting influence of Citizens United and McCutcheon to elected politicians on the federal, state, and local levels of government.  Since they are required to run for office every few years, the constant demand for so-called "campaign contributions" and "endorsements" can be costly, even for billionaires.

Apparently the billionaires who appear to have benefited most from these two Supreme Court decisions- the right-wing Koch brothers- have also learned this lesson, and realised that it is less costly and more pragmatic to buy federal judges and Supreme Court justices who have lifetime tenure and thus can accede to their demands and desires for decades.  So it was not surprising when The New York Times reported in a 2011 article that two of the so-called "justices" who voted in favour of Citizens United, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, had also appeared at "political retreats" sponsored by the Koch brothers.

Today, in Wisconsin, we are witnessing the power of this corruption in all its splendour, as well as the depths that the political puppets of the Koch brothers will sink to protect and cover for one another. One such puppet is Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, who, during his anti-labor crusade, was duped into answering a prank telephone call that he believed was being made by one of the Koch brothers.

Apparently another such puppet is federal judge Rudolph T. Randa, who recently halted an investigation into alleged illegal coordination between Walker's political campaign and outside interest groups during a recall election.  Many looked askance at Randa's ruling, especially since his wife and his judicial assistant's husband both had financial ties to Walker's campaign.

Shortly after my Boycott article was written, The Progressive (05/27/2014), citing an analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy , reported that, like Scalia and Thomas, Randa had also attended "judicial junkets" funded by the Koch brothers, and that the Kochs had also provided funding to the group Wisconsin Club for Growth -the very group that filed the lawsuit asking Randa to halt the Walker investigation.

According to The Progressive, these "junkets" were basically "privately-funded, all expenses paid trips for judges" with corporate sponsors paying for "flights, hotel rooms, and meals."  One advantage of being a judge is the ability to define the parameters of a law.  So naturally, Scalia and Thomas, along with John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Anthony Kennedy, built into the McCutcheon decision- a decision heavily relied upon by Randa- a very narrow definition of corruption.

Using the specious rationalisation technique I've previously discussed in this article, the Supreme Court determined that the only type of corruption prohibited by Citizens United and McCutcheon is "quid pro quo" corruption, where an individual directly bribes a politician or judge in exchange for specific favours or rulings.  This, of course, means that when money is given indirectly, no corruption exists.
It isn't difficult to foresee the ramifications of this limited definition.

For example, although it may be illegal to directly bribe a judge for a favourable ruling by offering him/her money to purchase a trip to Europe, all that individuals or organisations need to do to achieve the same result is pay for the ticket and accommodations themselves, then "sponsor" the judge's trip to a European "judicial conference." For far too long people have naively believed that federal judges and "justices" were immune to corruption.  It's time to recognise that, thanks to their lifetime tenures and ability to manipulate the law, they are the ones most susceptible to it.

In fact, in yet another sordid display of the "just us" mentality and ethical vacuity of America's federal judiciary, an appeals court recently upheld Randa's ruling. Will anything be done about this growing judicial corruption?  It is doubtful, because the ones who are supposed to be combating it are also the ones benefiting from it. Walls in courthouses across the United States are often inscribed with platitudes about "truth" and "justice."

But, for the millions of Americans who can now be tortured and extrajudicially executed by their own government and whose rights, interests, and beliefs are no longer relevant to the federal judiciary, perhaps a new inscription would be more fitting.

Like the words Dante imagined on the gates of Hell:  "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."

David R. Hoffman                                                     Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru

Sunday, 8 June 2014

VIDAROLF,A.O.R. : On Symbiosis

by Vidarolf  A.O.R.,

Independence is a fallacious value that our people of the West embrace at their peril.  I say it is a fallacy because independence has its value, its purpose, and is part of both natural and supernatural growth cycles.  It is an expedient, a means to an interdependent end.  Yet, as an end, in regard to our Arian folkish struggles, it is more of a threat than a folkish opportunity when interdependence is neglected.  In-fighting and dissension are often its results. 

Our duty as Vinlanders,  is interdependence, not independence,  except in limited expedient sense.  The cyclical structure of our religion, mythology, theology, cosmology, cosmogony, metaphysics, nature and even human nature has interdependence as its own goal and processes. 

Our race suffers due to an excess of independence and hyper-individuality, egotism, every man for himself, a higher resistance to authority and tradition, a distrust of trust and lack of organisation, collaboration and goodwill.  

In the prison environment personal anti social independence is expressed in a fallacious fashion, as being 'solo' a latin term which means alone.  We see it in our religion with myriad individuals and independent kindreds who are ever in a state of evanescence and dissolution.

Interdependence, synergy and symbiosis is the true aim in a wholesome folkish life.  We see it in a persons life cycle as he or she grows, matures, marries, breeds, and eventually reaches out to the community.  In business, the successful company, entrepreneur or multi millionaire always ends his career with philanthropy.  Iceland would have never have survived without trade with the rest of Europe.  In Odinic cosmogony, our gods made many worlds to interact with.  

Our theology is an interdependent truth of gods, demigods, elves and men.  Like heals like.  the Odinic Rite is exemplary in interdependence and it shows in our liturgy:  
'may those who lead be true, may those who follow be loyal, so that we may be bound in a circle of unity and honour.' 

Saturday, 7 June 2014

VIDAROLF, A.O.R. Puhuu Vinnish tai American? VIDAROLF, A.O.R. Speaks (Finnish)

Vinnish tai American?
31 Mai 2014
"Pohjois-Amerikassa kysymys puute kansallisen identiteetin ...
tulee realistisempi kuin sekä Kanadan ja Yhdysvaltojen identiteettien yhä heterogeeninen, multi rotuun, monikossa ja dekadentti. Trueist muoto kansalaisuus on orgaanista, rotuun ja kulttuuriin (joka on folkish). Se ei ole poliittinen, valtiollisten tai taka tilaan.

Kansakunta on ihmiset ensin, tila toisella. Amerikassa, olemme harhaan ajatella maamme kuin Yhdysvalloissa, mutta itse asiassa tämä on hallituksen samalla tavalla kuin Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan ja BRD, katso valtioita, ei kansallista identiteettiä. Amerikan homogeeninen laajentaminen Eurooppaan on kuollut. Sen kuori syntyy Vinland.

Kuten Amerikassa edustaa nykyään tahansa rodun, folk, uskonto, seksuaalinen suuntautuminen ja turmeltuneisuuteen, minä tahdon uuden identiteetin, ainakin kulttuurinen taso. Olen juuttunut Yhdysvaltain kansalaisuutta, kirous niin paljon kuin siunaus, mutta kulttuurisesti, minun Yhdysvaltain kansalainen on haltuun.

Amerikassa, tuote valaistumisen Euroopassa ja Deismi on nyt myös vankeudessa miljoonia kristittyjä, jotka ilmoittavat, että Amerikka on kristitty kansakunta. Jos niin, olen ehdottomasti Vinlander eikä enää amerikkalainen. Jos homoseksuaali on amerikkalainen, minun täytyy olla Vinnish. Jos rodunsekoitusta on amerikkalainen normi, olen Vinlander. Jos ateismi nähdään totuus, olen Vinnish. USA tappoi Amerikan ja mitä on jäljellä on epäorgaaninen ja epäorgaanisen asia ei voi tukahduttaa orgaanista.

Kuten Odinists, olemme ke Volk Vinland meidän oman kulttuurin, uskonnon, sanasto, filosofia, maailmankuva, psykologia ja Neljätoista Word tehtävän.

Sillä ei ole väliä, että meillä ei ole valtion-tai hallitusten omaa. Saksa oli kansakunnan tuhansia vuosia ennen kuin se sai valtion. Useat "intiaani" heimojen Pohjois-Amerikassa pidetään kansojen ja Amish on ollut osittain itsenäinen ihmiset huppu vuosisatoja.

Vinland olemassa ja olemme voittamassa. Ehdotan sininen, valkoinen, vihreä tricolour lippu luoteesta romaaneja kuin meidän uusi lippu, symboli taivas, Volk ja maa. Alfheim, Asgaard ja Vanaheim.
"Käyttää uskonnollinen termi, mutta ei välttämättä uskonnosta, myytti on eskatologisen rooli, sillä se viittaa viimeisinä päivinä, on" lopullinen ja viimeinen asioita ", että tuo tulee katastrofaalinen törmäys voimien välillä hyvän ja pahan. Tämä tekee siitä uskon asia - uskon, että vaikka kuinka synkkä tai pettymyksen hetkellä voi olla, niiden syy ja lajinsa on pakko voittaa ".
P27 Michael O'Meara "Kohti White tasavallalle."