Friday, 29 August 2014


that's what it said on the mail we sent to Jake Laskey American Front political prisoner on 23rd Juli 2104. It arrived back here on 28th Augustus 2014. 

Where is Jake? The note said: 'undeliverable'.   

Possibilities: 1. Jake has been released due to public pressure; 2. Jake is DEAD; more likely: 3. Jake has been transferred. 

Would anyone knowing for sure pls contact us here ASAP. 

Saturday, 2 August 2014

'18 Nationalist Principles' by American Front Political Prisoner Jake Laskey

18 Nationalist Principles
by Jake Laskey, American Front, 
Political Prisoner 
 "One is not worthy to be called an American unless the survival of his people holds the highest rank in his thoughts."   
The Commission 
written by Richard Barrett (R I P
of the Nationalist Movement 

We recognise that LIFE is a struggle that the highest law of nature is preservation of one's own kind and that the weak perish since nature decrees survival of the fittest.  We view Aryan Man as the highest of all living organisms and the Nation is the highest man made structure which must stay healthy by adhering to Nature's Laws.  One lives for the survival of one's Race. 

'Freedom is the absence of one's enemies.'     
'Let those who are not given to love our freedom, be given to fear our ferocity.'   
The Commission

We recognise that a body cannot live without a brain, so a person cannot live without his People and that our freedom involves the eradication of corruption, pornography, fornication, homosexuality, divorce and the Enemy stranglehold on our media outlets.  Our freedom to live without malice or fear means we must oust our incompatible ethnic enemies by any and all means necessary.  Freedom is to live with our own Race in our own homogeneous Homeland.  18 Words!  

 'Citizenship has only one proper function:  to perpetrate the best character of the work force, further the unique institutions of our culture and promote reproduction, growth and health of our People.' 
 The Commission

We recognise that citizenship in our homeland involves heredity, based upon one's pedigree, thus citizenship is a privilege not a right.  Parentage, nationality, health, blood, morality, literacy and adherence to American standards by vigorous testing throughout life is our racial duty to remain one with our people in our nation.  To be a citizen we must serve our Race in National Service daily.  

 '…the Constitution has been reduced to the suicide note of a dying nation…'  
'No parchment is more important than the people.'    
 'The Spirit of Nationalism is inherent in the existence of the Nation and in the spirit of self preservation.'   
The Commission

We recognise that for our Race to survive and advance that we must not be held captive by the bonds of the old Constitution but we must remake and rewrite a Constitution to specifically defend our Race, family and communities, strengthening our own government to exercise power outwards, freedom of our blood in a homogenous homeland. A new Constitution will be written to be the body of our Race, soul of our Culture, life of our Nation, and the spirit of our noble Heritage.  

'Political reformation begins when the American says, and truly knows: 'I am an American.''   
The Commission

We recognise that to be an American, we must be of pure stock, that National character is one People with Heritage from Europe, and that we are obligated and bound to our Race and will fight all anti social elements against us.  To be an American we are patriots and fight for an all-American America and we know that the American people are pre-eminent in the annals of history.

6. LABOR  
 'Nationalism ties the economy to the productivity of the American worker.'  
The Commission

We recognise that work and productivity is the measure of labour,  that to work is to live and truly sets one free.  The worker is a man of honour and virtue who knows the adage: 'work more and you shall be more.'  To work is to be noble.  

'We are a government of the people.'  
The Commission

We recognise that our People is our Race, that we are White, Northern European stock, and that whether we are rich or poor, we are all the same Nationality and Culture and thus of one common lineage.  We fight for the 14 Words and the 18 Words respectively.  

 'All men are part of their respective races.'   
'From Race proceeds Heredity, from Heredity proceeds all the social moral, and intellectual characteristics, which are the well spring of Civilisation and government.'  
The Commission

We recognise that there are genetic differences manifested in every cell in differing peoples of the earth and the creative and superior Race, the very innovator to all civilisation is the White, Aryan European.  We know that the yellow and red races can only mirror culture by adapting and refining our Race's creations. The J---- race draws upon our technologies like a parasite and the N----- pulls the vitality away from civilisation.  Biology, chemistry, eugenics, anthropology, the sciences and genetics help us understand our contribution to human progress. The highest good is to remain true to our own Kind.


'When one looks upon his People, and no longer sees the faces of his ancestors, he has reason to wonder whether the security of his own children upon the land that his Forefathers gave him is more than a mirage.'   
'The Statue of Freedom, atop the Capitol Dome, must bear the countenance of none other than the truly American.'   
The Commission

We recognise today's immigration as an invasion of ethnic incompatibles, that our own homeland must be of one Race and language that is English-speaking, and that our own population must grow and reproduce healthy, intelligent and fit bodies of the White Race only.  Thus the non-white races must decline through a population policy: sterilisation, abortion, segregation and deportation to their own countries.  Our own birth rates must increase for our racial survival.


'A people must have a Homeland.'   
'From the Bering Strait to the Gulf of Mexico, one People, one Nation, one tongue, one Honour, one Character, one Destiny.'  
The Commission

We recognise that a Race must have its own Nation, to grow and reproduce with its own government and super structure, with its own national interests and resources to live.  We will form our own military services, police forces, militia and youth groups to defend our people from enemies both foreign and domestic, ruled by the majority as a true National Socialist State.  Race is Nation!  Our Nation is our Homeland!  America for Americans, nothing less!


'We must…rejoice for our victory and primacy.'   
'Communism must be destroyed.'
The Commission

We recognise that alien doctrines - Marxism, Communism, Bolshevism, Zionism, Talmudism, Judaism, Globalism, etc - are enemies of our Racial well-being and must be destroyed like any organism which must be surgically cut from the body for our People to remain healthy.  We will heighten Nationalistic and ethnic pride of our Kinsmen across the world by becoming military and economic allies with White Afrikaner, White Russian, White South American, White Australian etc.  Nationalists and anywhere else our kind are found, to institute White Nationalism and destroy the plague of vile alien ideologies for eternity.  We will incorporate our New World Mission as primacy policy.

'Culture reveals a people's soul.  Art reflects a Nation's life.  Work decides the civilisations longevity.'  
'At the nationalist touch, television radio recording and publishing, instead of enslaving the common man to phoney history and debauched noise, will be freed to educate, entertain and inspire.'    
The Commission


 '…teaching Manifest Destiny to youngsters … is the foundation for the revival of American education.'   
'The new approach to education holds that the American people are pre-eminent in the annals of mankind.  Fitness for education is hereditary, transmitted biologically.' 
'Nationalism prepares American education for Paradise Regained.'    
The Commission

We recognise that Education in our schools must not tolerate the N-----fication and J--ish lies taught today. Gangs, vandalism, racial integration, un-Americanism, historical lies like the Holo---- and the like will be outlawed so that our children are taught and raised by our American standards with Pride or our Race's achievements.  We will instruct our Children to be useful, with purpose to work, build and fight for our Homeland's future and keep them healthy fit and combative with balance of mind and body.  Authoritative, moral and racial textbooks will be the norm to teach American patriotism and the truth that race is everything.

'The health of the mother and the health of the Nation are one and inseparable.'
'…the womanly woman exalts herself by exalting her femininity and lifting up her husband.'  
 'Man is courage, woman is love, man is strength, woman is beauty.'   
The Commission 

We recognise that the White woman is the Giver of Life for the future of the Race, than in her womb is our eternity and she has a special place as wife in our families.  For our woman the highest good is to be in the home raising children as the man works or goes to war to advance our Race.  Our women are the queens of our Nation and from them our Race lives towards a new tomorrow up the evolutionary ladder to attain the Uber-mensch/overmen.  Without our women, our Race will perish into oblivion.

'To be a true American is to proclaim the morality that casts off fear, girding moral men as soldiers for the battles of life in service to the nation and to one another.'
'The honour of the American is the moral code of America.'
'Mastery of self and then of others and, finally, mastery of our own destiny are the highest attainments of the American moral code.' 
'Only he who would give his life for America, will gain the immortality of morality.'  
The Commission

We recognise that our morality involves not just the 14 Words and 18 Words but also the 18 Nationalist Virtues and these our 18 Nationalist Principles to live and practice daily for the betterment of our Race, and that we must throw off deceit, adultery, pornographic and J------ alien ideologies as they are the Culture-Destroyers of our Kind and the J---s being Culture Parasites. We must be morally healthy in Mind, Body and Soul for the expansion of our Creed.  


'Without military might, the jungle reigns supreme.' 
'Our might must be the decisive edge.'   
'With the aims of our enemies before us, our own aims must be clear as well:  liberty and primacy.'    
'… enslavers and tyrants, alien nations and foreign races, mark this well.  Before we permit you to bury us, we will purse Total War to the total eradication of our enemies.'  
The Commission

We recognise that we must be militant and strong to fight our racial enemies so we must always be ready for war.  In our homeland, military service to protect our Kind is our National Service before one can marry, become a voting citizen or own property. MILITARY training begins early in National Youth Groups. All households will be armed and trained in Citizen's Militia and Werewolf groups for the protection, survival and advancement of our Race and Nation.

17. LAW
'Without Law, the lawless rave and riot.'   
'The call is not for more laws or more prolific regulations but of more democracy so that the productive can work and the majority can rule, all so that criminals cannot shape our destiny for us.'  
The Commission

We recognise that LAW is dedicated to Justice. The original Anglo-Saxon Law will be the basis for our legislative and executive branches and that in our Homeland, LAW will not restrict but free our People and protect our interests.  Punishment will fit the crime. We will resort to expulsion, stripping of Citizenship, deportation, sterilisation and even death for the vilest offenders.  We will protect our National Health and Welfare with a National Police Force and legal system and uphold Nature's Laws first and foremost.

'Building our  pre-eminent Nation calls for strong Nationalistic Zeal such as positive religious fervour so often supplied for American revivals as well as survival.'
'Christianity is not a tolerant creed; it therefore spurred on Nationalism.'   
'The mother shall not be regarded for the edition of her Bible, but for the number of happy, healthy children she lays at the altar of her Nation.'   
The Commission

We recognise, so long as it does not interfere with our Racial and National Ideals, that one is free to practice the religion of their choice be it Wotanism, or Odinism, Christian Separatism,  Identity Christian, Celtic Wicca, Creativity, Cosmotheism, Druidism, Paganism, or even Atheism. No one will be forced to believe or not believe nor be judged for their religious persuasion.  So long as it is not of an alien ideology, or an alien religion like J---ism, Voodooism, Santeria, Satanism or other incompatible doctrines that are against our National Principles which are contrary to our Race, our Survival, Expansion and Advancement.
"If Nationalists be called intolerant it is for our love of good and hatred of evil".  
"The Nation list draws within the poetical Right compatriots of a single ethnic or national group, with mutual sacrifice and cooperation, advancing culture and prosperity, Labor and property are central to his thinking, as are heritage and morality. Social and personal responsibility founded ion liberty make his nationalistic economic system so productive that the highest achievement of the individual and the greatest output of the workplace together benefit all. He is ready to willingly give his life for his countrymen". 
The Commission 

"Freedom is worth fighting for; even if I perish, my children will live the benefits of my battle". 
18 Words of American Front Political Prisoner Jake Laskey 1=A 8=H 18=Adolf Hitler   

Contact: Jake Laskey #68777-065

USP Victorville 
P O Box 3900 
Adelanto CA 92301