by Brian Simas 30th Apri 2016
Another day of blood-filled headlines from the media machine. The capital of European Union, Brussels, was most recent target of Islamist murderers, just four days after a much publicised, and very ‘staged’ looking arrest of alleged ‘Master-Mind’ of Paris attacks. Subsequent search of that locale turned-up evidence of other attacks being planned, but not the one that occurred.Obviously some level of ability to plan and execute these acts of terror exists, but when has destruction ever taken much thought or intelligence? It is, and always has been much easier to destroy than it is to create. One Race stands out in the history of this world as the pre-eminent Creators; far too many of these, once great and proud people sleep on their feet, seemingly deaf to the sound of the butcher honing his blade.
Close the heels of the carnage in Belgium we see the ‘Communist from Kenya’ give a press address from Cuba denouncing the terrorist attack and using the crisis to the list rate that need for the unification of the world, regardless of “Faith or Race”. Yes, this is the same guy that lifted the ban on visitors from his AIDS-ridden homeland of Kenya, of course that was back during the early days of his first term in the ‘White House’, so if you may recall.
This negro, that 80% plus of white voters chose, if statistics are true, has steadily eroded defences of White America. Our porous Southern border and large numbers of illegal aliens have been championed by him, whose chief duty it (was) to defend this US of A! Now he unbars the door to Cuba as he nears his exit from the Oval Office. He portrays one taking the higher road by refusing to comment directly about anything Donald Trump or any current Presidential candidate has said then follows up with his belief in the need of a candidate everyone, not any one group.
That is contrary to former statement regarding his previous appointments to US Supreme Court. His leanings have always been Communistic, hidden by a veneer of Democracy; which in my opinion is no more than an incubator for hatching ‘Globalist’ machinations. The vile Mrs Clinton will be even worse. She and her ‘Beard’ think along the same lines, yeah, Ole ‘Slick Willy’ once proclaimed on national television that: “the world would be better off once there are no more Whites”.
Mainstream media in full smear mode in regard to Mr Trump, no broadcast airs without some type of dig on the main, or his supporters. Freedom of speech apparently does not apply to anyone other than disgruntled negroes, illegal aliens and lying politicians; oh yeah! And transgender freaks and other abominations of nature.
All you disgruntled, disenfranchised but oh-so polite white citizens, you all just shut up, and don’t rock the boat! Every white-founded country on our wondrous Earth needs to see the perilous reality we face as a people. The recent list of Top Five Happiest Countries in which to live are all of Scandinavian origin, with Denmark at number one. How much longer can that last, given the waves of ‘Refugees’ from Syria and depressed of those, forever contentious, sand-riddled countries? Misguided compassion is suicide, as is misdirected charity.
White people! Look around you, away from your damned iPhone, iPod or what have you. Look at the people around you. Do they look like you? Do they think and act similar to your beliefs? Do you believe your family is safe if a protest turns violent? When the tide is fully upon us, no benevolent African, Mexican, Arab, or Asian is coming to our aid. It is pathetic in its irony that we are people solely on our own versus other races, yet we have virtually no cohesive view of ourselves as a group of like-minded, and genetically similar people that non-whites would just-as-soon not have to deal with.
Politicians panda to every non-white race in this America to secure (their) vote, taking for ‘Granted’ that those races vote as one. I believe it is an accurate assumption, specially if the issue is one that lessens the standing of Whites in this country. Any candidate addressing Whites so as to garner their vote on any referendum beneficial to whites would have hell rain upon them. Whites are expected to champion all causes but their own. Any attempt to do anything helpful for whites by whites is condemned with the, “Go-to Buzzword”: RACIST!
Well, here’s a news flash people: “Every race is racist”. It is perfectly natural to care about those who are most like you. It is abnormal and learned behaviour that embraces others unlike yourself to your own detriment. Do you believe dogs welcome ticks? JEWS running the media have burned it into the collective psyche that: “only Whites can be racists and all racists are evil hate mongers”.
Who spews the most condemnation upon others? What people have been banished from nearly everywhere they affixed themselves? Who has cried out with the fallacy of six-million souls in danger numerous times throughout history? In 1907, 1916, 1927, and 1943, to name a few; the Zionist owned newspapers shouted about the impending doom of six-million Jews. Lies and usury, that is what the JEW brings to the table.
Economic revolution is necessary to sever the supply of capital from once sovereign nations, to the leeches that run the world’s finances. “The Fed”, The Bank of England, China’s new ‘National Bank’; none of these institutions belong to the country the houses system. Do not be surprised if Cuba receives massive loans and opens a ‘Bank Nationale’ and enters into ‘Free market Capitalism’.
The New World Order is upon us, we are near an irreversible tipping point. Cast off what you think you know and take some time to truly inform yourself about an actual, noble heritage that belongs to our White Race. I urge you to read M.S. King’s The Bad War. Go to TomatoBubble. com. Read Into the Darkness by Lotrop Stoddard, Hitler Democrat by Leon Degrelle. Please! Learn the truth about what some of our folk have achieved out of love for their people.
Real love, not simpering sentimental drivel passes for love as taught by some soap opera. Learned the truth about the financial system that enslaves our planet. As long as the world’s banker - Jews – remain in power, the future of the white race is in danger. I am so thoroughly sick of misplaced White Guilt’. So thoroughly disgusted by the ever-encroaching attack on White Culture.
As white people, we have much to be proud of. Learn for yourself about our centuries of rich history full of every kind of achievement. Stop buying into the lies about the world’s woes being the fault of white men colonizing and depressing poor savages the world over. There is more blood on the hands of Jewish, Marxist murderers, Lenin and Stalin than any five white world leaders, or maybe any and all white leaders, in all of history!
Mel Gibson had the right of it when he laid the blame of virtually every war at the feet of the Jews, specifically those Zionist Jews vying for the exclusive governance of all peoples; slaves to their consumerism, cattle to feed off of. A rant? Perhaps, but I tell you no lies.
Contact me at: Brian Simas # E57760
P O Box 1902
Tehachapi CA 93581 U S A