Interview with Political Prisoner Edgar Steele*
on April 20th, 2014 by Political prisoner Jake Laskey**
'Interview' is published in the Public Interest. No actions should be implied or inferred. Opinions expressed remain those of the author entirely.
Received by FoGDL Jr @ Saturnsday 23rd Mai 2014:
JL The North-West Front's White Book views you as a hero/martyr who was set up by ZOG. Do you back North-West Front's Program?
Part Two: The Charges, the Media and Putin
ES I greatly appreciate their support, especially Covington is doing great things.
JL I can't help but notice in chapter 7 of your book you discuss the symbol of middle-age men throwing their families away to chase younger women. I must point out that at trial you were accused of chasing younger Ukrainian women and that was the government's excuse of your crime. What's the real story about the Ukrainian women and what were you working on?
ES that was about the fifth motive the government came up with and it would have been laughed out of court if the judge, the prosecutor, and my lawyer all hadn't teamed up to rail-road me into prison.
Look I was 65 at the time I was accused of pursuing a girl young enough to be my great-grand-daughter! Yeah…right. Hell, the sex alone would have killed me the first night! My wife and were both working on the research for book on human trafficking and cyber prostitution in Eastern Europe. Cyndi knew all about the girls I was 'stringing along' and read a good deal of my correspondence with them.
JL Do you have other books coming out?
ES I have a couple in rough draft form. I have several others partially written, or, at least, in detailed outline. Several other concepts, too, I need a typing machine and extensive secretarial help, though, so I can't while I'm in here.
JL how can people purchase 'Defensive Racism'?
ES I think stocks are pretty much gone, but you can email Cyndi on:
or to ask if any are left.
JL you 're still listed on the board of contributing editors in The Barnes Review. Do you get The Barnes Review or American Free Press and are you in contact with Willis Carto?
ES I am in contact with practically no body in the Movement, outside of guys like yourself. I have tried and tried and tried but have not been allowed to receive either AFP or TBR, which people told me they subscribed me to. Maybe someone can help me out to get them.
JL what do you think about Vladimir Putin ?
ES I think Putin would make a great American President.
JL Hillary Clinton has called Putin 'the new Hitler' and the media-cracy vilify this great populist. What do you think about Putin's anti-homosexual laws and Russia's Nationalism?
ES I am against national social do/don't laws, but I love Nationalism, all flavours. States, Provinces, etc. - that is the place for Social Engineering, if it really must be done. that way every citizen has a place and a nation where he or she can be comfortable. for example: 'same-sex marriage' should go where it deserves to be: at the state level and exclusively decided by Church authorities. if i church says i can marry my cat, i should get an exemption for him on my tax returns, no questions asked.
JL russsia reclaimed the Crimea what do you think Putin should do next with the Ukraine?
ES I thin Putin should shut up, sit down, and pull all Russian troops out of the Ukraine and transfer Russia's major seaports to its own Black Sea coast, just east of Crimea, then evacuate Crimea as well. Self-determination always should be a state's right. Russia has had about a hundred thousand troops, especially Naval, in Crimea since before Krushchev re-aligned geography along more sensible lines by making Crimea a semi-autonomous province of Ukraine - Russia's province of Ukraine, by the way. The Ukrainians picked that fight when they parked a tank outside the entrance to Russia's main base in Crimea. Putin all along has done just what he has said about protecting ethnic Russians in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. However, now he is being an unjustifiable opportunist by annexing Crimea just as now he will do east and south of the river Dniepr, thereby bisecting ukraine. NATO should prevent that or dissolve. I oppose imperialism of all flavours, especially American imperialism.
JL Would you say that Russia is becoming a White Homeland?
ES Yes. Russia is the future of White Nationalism. Edgar Cayce foresaw this nearly one hundred years ago. I wish I lived in Russia. I actually had my wife talked into moving there (or Belarus or Ukraine) ten years ago and will eternally regret not having done so, then and there.
TO BE CONTINUED (see Part Three)
*to contact Edgar pls write to:
Edgar Steele # 14226-023
U S P Victorville
P O Box 3900
Adelanto CA 92301
**to contact Jake pls write to:
Jake Laskey # 68777-065
U S P Victorville
P O VBox 3900
Adelanto CA 92301
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