Friday, 6 June 2014


Vinnish or American?
31 Mai 2014 
"In North America the question of a lack of national identity…
becomes more realistic as both the Canadian and American identities become increasingly heterogeneous, multi racial, plural and decadent.  The trueist form of nationality is organic, racial and cultural (that is folkish).  It is not political, governmental or relegated to a state.  

A nation is a people first, a state second.  In America, we have been mislead to think of our country as the USA  but in fact, this is the government in the same manner as the UK and BRD, refer to states, not national identities.  America as a homogeneous extension of Europe is dead.  From its shell emerges Vinland.

As America today represents any race, folk, religion, sexual preference and degeneracy, I desire a new identity, at least on a cultural level.  I am stuck with US citizenship, a curse as much as a blessing, but culturally, my American nationality has been repossessed.  

America, a product of enlightenment Europe and Deism is also now captive by millions of Christians who declare that America is a Christian nation.  If so then, I am definitely a Vinlander and no longer an American.  If a homosexual is an American, I must be Vinnish.  If miscegenation is an American norm, I am a Vinlander.  If atheism is seen as truth, I am Vinnish.  The USA killed America and what is left is inorganic and an inorganic thing cannot suppress the organic. 

As Odinists, we are developing into a volk in Vinland with our own culture, creed, lexicon, philosophy, world view, psychology and Fourteen Word mission.  

It does not matter that we do not have a state or government of our own.  Germany was a nation for thousands of years before it gained a state.  Several 'native American' tribes in North America are considered nations and the Amish have had a semi autonomous people hood for centuries. 

Vinland exists and we are winning. I propose the blue, white, green tricolour flag from the north west novels as our new flag, a symbol of the sky, volk and land.  Alfheim, Asgaard and Vanaheim.
'to use a religious term, though not necessarily about religion, myth has an eschatological role to play, for it refers to the final days, to 'ultimate and last things', to that coming catastrophic collision between the forces of good and evil.  This makes it a matter of faith - the faith that no matter how grim or disappointing the present may be, their cause and their kind are bound to triumph'.    
p27 Michael O'Meara 'Towards the White Republic.' 

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