Saturday, 5 July 2014

Replies to US POW's

ANA spend a lot of time 'informing the informed' i.e. preaching to the converted. US POW's are one such group. Here are a few of our replies to POW letters. 

Australian National Action
P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia
ph: 0448 187 582
Dear -----,
                We put everything we can on the Internet. Our criteria for articles covers pretty much what we already have on the blog. History, politics, religion, philosophy. An emphasis on White Nationalist/National Socialist material.

Odinist material is OK even though our main focus is pro-Christian. We won't use anti-Christian stuff, such as some US friends now send us. Is no point, really. We realise the Enemy rules in the US and uses your churches as a tool of their rule but is not quite so obvious here. For starters, there are not so many of the Enemy here. So standard US NS material seems odd to our public. It’s shooting at targets we can’t fathom. Makes sense the Enemy congregate in the US as it is the current world power. That is, after all, the Enemy’s modus operandi. But out here in the ‘sticks’? There are very few.

As for ‘Aryanism’ it is a moot point here. At one stage ¼ of our population was Irish. The Germanic element here is very small, maybe 5%, yet NS groups here ‘ape’ their US parent groups and demand 100% Germanic. This while excluding fellow whites with Red hair and pink skin. Duh! So obviously, we have very few NS. Sad. ANA is definitely NOT Aryan as I’m not – being ¾ Irish and ¼ Welsh. No blonde hair here!

Appears most NS groups have never seen AH's words: ‘NS is not for export’. NS groups in every country must grow in response to local issues that evoke local responses, thereby gaining local adherents. But our NS groups are too eager to ally with the KKK, etc which has NO context here. Rather than a ‘local response’ they appear alien and odd. ANA are 100% white, just not Germanic. We see no reason to accept inferior status for Anglo-Saxons and Celtics. Maybe these issues don’t crop up in the US? Seems odd to reject the local conditions and seek to mimic groups in other countries. How is that ‘nationalistic’?

Have few overseas contacts. Some in UK but we send stuff and get no replies. Wonder if our secret police are intercepting it. We don’t have the same ‘freedoms’ the US does. No Constitution or Bill of Rights for instance. The ‘rights’ we have are whatever the current government says. Is why it was so easy to disarm us in 1997.

Yours in The Struggle                                     Steve Godfrey (ANA Brisbane) 
Saturnsday 5st Juli 2014 
Dear --------,
                     Is winter here. We rarely get below 7’C in this city (of two million) as we are in the sub-tropics, only 500km below the Tropic of Capricorn which runs through Rockhampton. We think of it as ‘cold’ if we have to put on a jumper over out T-shirts.  Even in winter the maximum temperature here is 23’C so we never really get ‘cold’ but our houses are built for heat an humidity so we aren’t suited to ‘cold’ weather.

Sorry about your 20-year rap but am glad you beat the life sentence. You ask: 'who is GDL Jr?' George D Loeb Jr is in TX facing life for a similar ‘crime’ to yours but he did not manage to beat it. He contacted us several years ago. Control over him got tighter and tighter till about one year ago when it ceased altogether. We set up a blog for him, at his request, but now let others use it.

Glad to hear you’ve done your time with your ‘ideals intact’. Is very difficult to do. Am happy you like our material and continue to receive. GDL Jr’s mail all got sent back to us. Let us know if that happens to you.

PS. As you said in your letter ‘there are large numbers of racially–aware men but few activist’. We find the same here. People today lack ‘commitment’. They allegedly are unable to ‘commit’ due to their unsettled upbringings.

Heard on BBC radio today of ’52,000 unaccompanied minors flooding across US border in past eight months’. When interviewed, all claimed to be children of single mothers from Central America. Came North to avoid ‘gang culture’. Gangs are a replacement for the nuclear family unit.

Yes, is hard to communication e with ‘yobs’, ‘Peckerwoods’ or as we call them ‘bogans’. Karl Marx called such ‘lumpens’ i.e. they are just ‘lumps’ that live and breath. They lack consciousness or what Marx called ‘class consciousness’. They do not comprehend they are being exploited or oppressed so do nothing to end it. Even Marx had trouble getting people ‘active’.

Is how the Communist Party came into existence. The followers of Marx preached from 1848 till 1907: ‘one day, the workers will arise!’ So in 1905 the Russians had a revolution as a result of losing a war to Japan. The uninformed masses ‘rose up’ but were easily crushed. The leading Russian Marxist, Lenin, asked: ‘why?’

Lenin wrote volumes on it saying: ‘the workers need to be lead. Those leaders are a vanguard, a Vanguard of the ‘Revolution’. These must be a hardcore of trained activists, a party. Thus the Communist Party was formed. Their later success in Russia inspired their spread to all countries. The CP ‘lead’ the workers to victory on many battlefields in many lands. Eventually the flaws of the Communist system lead to its collapse in 1989. 

Marxist regimes still survives in pockets around the world - Cuba, Vietnam, China, Rhodesia, etc. Our main opponents in the racial field, so-called Antifas, are usually Marxist. Why? Marx wrote vast amounts. In his analysis of Kapital he got it 'right' on so many points. It was Marx's conclusions that failed him, and them. Yet they still cling to him and try to re-work it. They persist in trying to breath life into the Marxist corpse. Why? Simple. They have no alternative. 

Racial nationalists need a similar organisation. Don’t expect lumpens to understand what you are saying. Copy Jesus and the early Church. Get alongside people, meet their needs, earn a hearing. Then they will follow you. They may not know why but do it out of a sense of loyalty.

Where I work I have 4-5 trusted co-workers. Over years we have discussed many things. They are mainly Reds/proto-socialists. Who isn’t these days? I.e. they accept the Welfare State, free education, taxation, etc. All these were part of Marx’s plan in 1848! After years of talk they trust me so even though they are not racial nationalist.  They agree with what I say and actively support me. Of 3,000 staff at this facility to have only 5 active listeners!

Maybe that’s all we can expect from the dumbed-down population. Remember what socialist anthropologist Margaret Meade allegedly said: “don’t believe an active minority can’t change the world. No one else ever has”.  

We agree the ‘U S A’ must end and a new nation be born from the ashes but will it be a pro-white set-up? More likely a Mestizo-run outfit as now seems to exist in many US states. The Enemy will hide in the background, as usual, playing various groups against each other. The recent George Zimmerman case is just the latest of what Marxists would call ‘provocations’ aimed at inciting a response from one group against another. As a friend in Yakima says: ‘let’s you and him have a fight’.

The role of the controlled media is to keep us child-like, ignorant yet easily aroused. They funnel our passions via sex, drugs, gossip, exciting our ‘lower’ more base instincts while publicly ridiculing and dulling down any attempts at ‘higher’ morals. They reduce most to animal status then express fake surprise when we slaughter each other.

Best regards and as the RNPA say: ‘stay active but stay legal’.
 Yours for Australia                                       Steve Godfrey (ANA Brisbane)

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