Saturday, 21 March 2015


FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely.          
By Adam Barger
Creativity is in every conceivable way far more logical, consistent, comprehensive, meaningful, and inspiring than all other religions, ideologies, and political parties combined: therefore we strive that it eventually replace all other religions, ideologies, and parties, barring none! Creators believe reality is more important than ‘believing’ in the unsubstantiated ramblings of a wild and over-stimulated imagination. We believe that facts, substantiated by massive evidence are a thousand times more valid and meaningful than supernatural claims that not only are unsubstantiated, but fly in the face of Reason.

We refuse to accept on faith ludicrous claims that repudiate historical evidence, geological evidence, scientific evidence; and fallacious claims that repudiate every other kind of evidence. We believe evidence and judgement are basic in forming conclusions and decisions in all the vital matters pertaining to our lives. Creativity is built upon the evidence of Nature’s Laws as revealed through Science, History, Logic and Common Sense. We believe a religion that is detrimental to the survival of the race is a bad religion. A religion that helps the race to Survive, Expand, and Advent is a good religion for that race. Our Creed is such a religion, and will have the most profound and far-reaching implications for the benefit and welfare of the White Race. It is not our intention to make the White Race less religious.

On the contrary, it is our intention to make the White Race much more strongly devoted to religion than it is today, and above all, it is our objective to give the White Race a far superior religion than the self-destructive, suicidal religion with which it is now burdened. It is overwhelmingly clear that unless the White Race in this generation changes the suicidal course on which it is now embarked it will miserably perish from the face of the Earth, overrun and inundated by a flood-tide of coloured mongrels. We are confident that in the near future the White Race will rally, unite and embrace the Creativity program for their own survival. 

Furthermore, we are convinced that if only one-tenth of the time, energy, and money we spend in propagating our dynamic new religion as is spent on keeping alive the sick and morbid religions now undermining our Race that Creativity would spread like wild-fire. We mean to organise all our good people and expend that energy and more. United and organised, the White Race is ten times more powerful than the rest of the world put together.

We predict our religion, Creativity, will be the supreme religion of the future. We predict it will not only spread to all the corners of the Earth, but will eventually supplant all religions, barring none. We believe such to be inevitable. We conclude that religion and the affinity of Mankind for religion is an inborn trait with which Nature has endowed us, and is inbred in our genes. More closely a people's religion is rooted to their Racial Soul, the more healthy and dynamic it is for that to particular Race. Fortunate is that race whose religion has found its own Racial Soul. Creativity is that religion! RAHOWA!

Contact me at: Adam Barger #F46561  4A-2L-20 SHU   PO Box 3476 Corcoran CA 93212 USA
         Credo Pareo Pugno           Blood Soil Honour            Creator Skinhead Movement, California West Division

Negritude by Adam Barger

FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely. 
by Adam Barger

There is a common plague that has been infecting the attitudes of white men today. This attitude has extremely harmful effects upon our Race that many are unaware of. This plague among whites is the attitude that it is acceptable to refer to our white own in derogatory terms. Not terms of endearment, that show how much we appreciate and cherish the enormous role they play in our Race’s continued existence. But terms overly vulgar and disrespectful.

I call this attitude negritude as it does not befit a white male but is more to be expected from a black.  Any self-respecting white male does not refer to his women-folk as female dog’s or common prostitutes. This negritude does not the natural or healthy attitude of the superior, white male. Sadly, many of these now ‘ape’ their lesser, the negro male. They emulate the behaviour of these ignorants, often without even knowing it.

Negritude is a powerful weapon, foisted on the white male by Chosen Establishment who encourage race-mixing to further separate white females from white males. The Enemy utilizes this weapon knowing it will debase relations between white men and women. This aids the ultimate goal of mongrelising the white race into extinction.

Unfortunately, many white males play into the hands of our perfidious foe. The Enemy doesn’t even have to get his hands dirty, he just spreads this negritude through his media, making sure to depict it as ‘cool’ and acceptable for white males to refer to white females in such disrespectful ways. A majority of white males then adopt this garbage wholesale. This is NOT cool! It ruins how healthy white men view and treat their own white women.

They have subconsciously lost do not recognise respect for white women, but they have. They begin to value our precious women less and less. How can one respect someone they call ‘a piece of trash’? If they did, they wouldn't refer to that person in such a distasteful manner. It is exactly the same thing with our white women. One cannot the beauty and sacredness of our women and continue referring to them in such a degrading manner, only unless one is very confused.

Our women are precious and sacred above all for they hold the key to our Race’s future existence. There truly is no beauty comparable in the whole wide world to that of the white woman. This plague of attitude needs to cease immediately, because we are already seeing the negative ramifications this negritude is having. White women deserve respect and adoration for without them we have no future. If they are not treasured by the men of their own race and are called foul names they will search for that which treats them better and that may be in the arms of a N----r. Do you want that?

To partially quote Precept #37 from David Lane’s 88 Precepts:
“any white man with healthy instincts feels disgust and revulsion when he sees a woman of his race with a man of another race”. 
Our ancestors fought to the death to protect our women, and they would have preferred death to losing their women to another race. These women are the mothers of white children, our sisters, our aunts, and daughters and do not deserve to be referred to by base words from white men.

We need to recognise the destructiveness of this negritude and no longer tolerate it coming from the mouths of white men. We can do our part in combating this negritude by calling our white brothers on it when they call a white woman a bitch and explain to them that using derogatory terms to refer to our women is harmful and not something that a white man does. Do your part by taking a ‘no tolerance’ stance against any Chosen or Negroidic influence on our race. We are white men and white men don’t behave like N----s, period!

So when you hear a white man refer to a white woman as a bitch pull him up on it and tell him that “white men don’t act like N----rs”. That person may get temporarily upset with you but we have no time to worry about the feelings of one individual when the welfare of our entire race is at risk. Regardless, the seed will be planted and I assure you (unless he is a Race Traitor) that he won’t use the term again. Do your part! Future generations of our race will be forever grateful to you for doing so!
RAHOWA!              Adam Barger, Church of the Creator 
Adam Barger may be contacted at: 
Adam Barger #F46561
C.S.P. – Corcoran SHU–4A–2L-20
P O Box 3476
Corcoran CA 93212   U S A  

Creativity by Adam Barger

FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely
We call our religion Creativity, and members there of Creators, because we believe these words best describes the characteristic soul of the White Race. Creativity is a sound, healthy approach to living in harmony with the eternal laws of Nature. It is a combination of a philosophy, a weltanshauung, a discipline, and a religion. Its basic design is a way of life for the White Race and the White Race alone.

It encompasses every phase and activity of life from cradle to grave. It is a four-dimensional religion whose fundamental approach is based on the idea of a sound mind in a sound body in a sound society in a sound environment. We endeavour to encompass the total spectrum of living. Above all, it is concerned with Race, and is truly the first racial religion the White Race has ever had. Creators believe the highest law is of Nature is the right of any species to Survival, Expansion and Advancement of its own kind. We deem that, for the white Race, the right to Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of its own people is not only the highest law of Nature, but the foundation of our religious Creed. To Creators nothing is more sacred or worth fighting for than the White Race.

Our heads are not in the clouds and our knees are not in on the ground. We are militant, focused, dedicated, and concerned with improving and securing our Race’s existence on this Earth, not playing silly games with imaginary spooks, spirits, gods, or demons. Our beliefs are strongly reinforced by an overwhelming mass of substantiated evidence. They are based on the eternal laws of nature; they are based on logic, common sense, and reality. Not myth and fantasy. No other religion can rightly make this claim. If one thing sets Creativity apart from all other religions, it is the fact that we go directly to the ironclad and eternal laws of Nature as the Supreme Authority for the formulation of our Creed and for the answers to all our questions, including a moral values.

Creativity addresses all of the fundamental and ultimate questions concerning man’s existence and his place in the universe. It covers every aspect of man’s existence and provides its adherents with a moral yardstick and compass for all their thoughts and actions. Whether the issues be the environment, diet, death, immortality, social organisation, justice, or the way an individual should interact with others, Creativity provides the answer. The ‘Ecclesia Creatoris’, Latin for ‘the Church of the Creator’ has a very detailed organisational structure, a religious hierarchy which has a Pontifex Maximus of the head of the Church, a pontifical order, and lay ministers to oversee local Congregations. We advocate speaking Latin as a Universal white Racial language.

We look to Nature for guidance in our approach to living and She tells us the most important concern we have is to ensure the Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of our Race. This is not only one of Nature’s laws, it is her highest Law. Not only do we accept this lesson from Nature, we make it the foundation of our religious Creed. For this reason our religion was created; to guarantee the White Race Survives, Expands and Advances. Creativity has the potential of not only leading the White people to worldwide victory, but also guiding them onwards for the next million years towards a new White Renaissance, a whiter and brighter world, and a glorious era for the white Superman.
The time is NOW to join us in our Revolution of values through religion! 
Act before its too late! RAHOWA!
Brother Adam Barger   Credo, Pareo, Pugno – Blood, Soil, Honour   CSM, CA West Division

Sunday, 15 March 2015

From an Insider, Inside

28 February 2015  by MB
From an Insider, Inside
FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely. 

This is the letter we received from a prisoner of war sent on the 9 February 2015: 
“Your material mostly highlights our problems exposing crime, political corruption, social decay, etc. Not bad but not effective. The ‘glass is half-full’: our race dwells in the empty half while polluting the full half.

Infighting is one of the Ultra-Right’s main problems, especially in the grassroots. For example, in England there are two rival National Front groups who hate each other. Meanwhile, the French Front National works with other large parties and is quite successful, even though they do not agree on many issues, such as  homosexual rights. 

Organisational egocentricity is killing us as much as personal ego. Solidarity, benevolence, cultural enrichment and pragmatism should be our guiding values, along with effective tactics. 
Solidarity is a no-brainer. 

Benevolence is spare. Our image is one of bitter, angry, acidic, hateful attitudes. Although justified, it is unwelcoming. 

Cultural enrichment: white people need healthy pleasure outlets, more will attend Scottish Highland Games than a Klan rally. The old US National Alliance used to put on cultural events but with political trappings. 

Pragmatism: are we doing what works? Obviously not. Granted the odds are against us and image is bliss many US Rightist groups still use 1980s tactics and psychology. 

Each country has its own unique constraints and problems/solutions. In North America the Transformation is now too far advanced to "Save America”. Of 300 million US citizens, 100 million are non-White. Our only hope are societies within a society, de facto segregation. 

Religion is expedient – Odinism and Christian Identity are flourishing in this regard. The system will eventually fracture under the accumulated weight of debt and mismanagement. Healthy responses will develop, like the US Tea Party Movement (TPM). 

I hope to start or reinforce nationalist elements within the TPM once free and able and also start a White Consumer Group (WCG). Purchasing power is our greatest White Power. Why do we not boycott companies, petition marketing departments, teach personal finance for Whites, run a cottage Industry-based Volkish economy? What about personal improvement? 

Surviving the past 19 years in Texas prisons was easy. The TDCJ (prison system) has become more peaceful. I exercise regularly, stay productive and focus within. I see the opportunities in seeming threats and keep myself to myself and our People. I recommend I like what I hear of it. Do you know of any better website? 

Morale is our main, worldwide problem. I urge you to fill the pages of STORM with positive developments within Australia. No dirty laundry, with more honey and vinegar. Humour works wonders in this area. Fight depression”.

GDL Jr Comment: This is one of several letters we've received recently from Prisoners of War who tell us our material is “too negative” and they “only wish to receive positive material”. One said: “you make the comrades depressed. They say: ’what's the point?’ It is difficult to find anything positive to say. Things are bad all over. 

The West has engaged in Wars since 2001. We didn’t start the war and we can’t stop it. We didn’t ask for our tax money, that could be spent on social programs, to go into Third World wars. Western societies are in collapse, starved of the funds they need for their millions of refos, dolees and aged pensioners. Voters rush from one extreme to another and back again. 

Billions, even trillions, of dollars are sunk into a War Machine nobody wanted. We tried to stop the War beginning in 2003. We failed and now can’t stop the next war, looming between Russia and Western Europe, egged on by the USA. 

 “Try to find something positive to say”? Is difficult. Most popular show on Australian TV at the moment is My Kitchen Rules. Why? People are avoiding News shows as all the News is negative. Instead, viewers hide themselves in fantasy shows, about the mythical past, or science fiction shows, about a mythical future. Very few want to know anything about the present because since 2001 it’s all been bad. Wars around the world - there now 13 going, all cause in whole or in part by the USA. 

How to be ‘more positive’? Maybe stop sending out STORM. Put our head in the sand, along with these escapists. We, too, could enjoy the past or the future, play re-enactment games, dress-ups where we pretend to be the crew of the Starship Enterprise. We would rather face facts and stay in reality. 

Towards the end of World War Two General Reinhard Gehlen, the German general responsible for Military Intelligence on the Eastern Front, brought a report to the Fuhrer’s HQ. The Fuhrer responded by screaming: “what lunatic wrote this?!” Gehlen appeared and was arrested and sent to a KL. He was still there in 1945 when the Allies liberated him. 

Assuming Gehlen to be an anti-Nazi, the Allies appointed him head of the West German Secret Service. All his long work against the Russians plus his ‘stay behind’ agents across Eastern Europe helped to save his country from being conquered during the Cold War. Gehlen was a hard-core Nazi but the Americans thought him a Democrat so he went from being head of the Eastern Front to head of the entire West German Secret Service. He was very good at his job because he rehired many Gestapo and SD agents. 

He could have lied to please the Fuhrer, as so many other did, but he would have died in the Final Struggle. As a result, the West may not have survived the Cold War. We at STORM are chided for telling the truth. Sorry the news is bad but maybe in a couple years you’ll be grateful we told the truth. Like Gehlen, we may lose the current battle but we’ll win this War. Lies and escapism won’t help.

ACTION! by Adam Barger

FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely. 
by Adam Barger 

In our monumental struggle to secure the existence of our people and usher in a whiter and brighter future for our children, it is absolutely imperative that we not only preach racial loyalty but that we also practice it in our daily lives. 

When the blood-sucking J—is working tirelessly to mongrelise our Race into oblivion and using every weapon at his disposal to do so, the written and spoken word will only go so far. 

In order to truly push our ideals to our people we must do so through action. It is then they will have an example to follow and a stand-up racialist to emulate themselves after. By disseminating the ideology of racial loyalty to our people and practicing what you preach, white men and women will be more receptive to our message as well as attracted to our cause. 

Being a full-time white racialist is a full-time job and requires much more than just an understanding of our struggle. It requires full-time dedication, hard-work, self-sacrifice and perseverance. But, it is also the most gratifying feeling knowing you fight for the most sacred of causes.

There are a myriad amount of ways to spread our message to our people but I believe the most effective way to do so is through positive activism. Be creative in coming up with ways to help our cause, enlighten our people, and project a stand-up white man’s image to the public. 

The key to success is activism. Let’s not be sterile comrades, but act on our beliefs we hold true to. Our Race needs us more than ever and victory will only be achieved if the guiding principle of all our actions becomes benefiting the white race. 

You only ‘fight the good fight’ if you are fighting. Ideology and Action.           

          RAHOWA!     Adam Barger, World Church of the Creator 

Adam Barger may be contacted at: 
Adam Barger #F46561
C.S.P. – Corcoran SHU–4A–2L-20
P O Box 3476

Corcoran CA 93212   U S A  

HOW FAR WE’VE FALLEN By Rev Derik Punneo

FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely.          
By Rev Derik Punneo
A day and age of regression. A trend of misrepresentation through negligence and outright indifference. How far we’ve fallen… Still falling – without even flailing.

Comrades, I write this today from a place of frustration and confusion. As our Race’s very existence is choking out it’s dying gasp, it seems we couldn’t care less. Somewhere along the line the severity of reality took the backseat while the majority of today’s so-called ‘warriors’ cruise along humming a tune of indifference. The seeds of decay have been planted and they’re bound to sprout defeat – a defeat guilt by our own hands. 

These self-proclaimed ‘Racialists’ are indifferent to everything outside of themselves, yet curiously enough, within themselves as well.  If it does not encroach upon their everyday material comforts or aid in securing those comforts, it's non-existent to them. Besides, why choose to face your own inefficiencies and faults when you’ve ‘got by’ that way for years? This diseased, pacifist mentality is ailing our people, notably those who claim to be Racial Representatives and the front line fighters for the Survival, Expansion and Advancement of our White Race.

Things have changed. Standards have been discarded for a liberal ’live and let live’ philosophy. The hard line that was once so prominendnt between right and wrong is being blurred by today’s negligent generation with their backward “values” and pockets full of disease. Tradition is viewed as a dusty relic of the past instead of a glorious path chosen to lead us into the future. We see the enemy not in our own faults or in the muds that encircle us, but rather amongst ourselves, and we waste what precious time we have left attempting to cut our and brothers off at the knees. –                    Oh, how far we’ve fallen!

The state of today’s ‘Racialists’ saddens me. The Movement as we once knew it has to degenerated into a movement of Trendies. People are more concerned with appearance that they are with substance. Quality of character is a limited commodity and is hard to find amidst the hordes of half-steppers. (Dedication is bound to falter when it’s dependent upon the next man’s). More time is spent at a keyboard than in the streets. Today’s ‘Racialists’ have become lazy, half-hearted and uninspired. 
Oh, how far we’ve fallen!

This past we’ve chosen to trudge down isn’t so much of the path as it is and mountainous range. It’s an uphill climb strewn with obstacles that make progression an incredible feat. With the world against us, the last thing we need are half-hearted social media “Racialists”. Somewhere along the line people got it into the head that racial Preservation was just something that would be handed to us, wrapped up in shiny ribbons and bows,but they forgot that all things of value in life come at a cost. In this case, a lifelong struggle that ultimately begins within ourselves.

The Survival and continued existence of our Race rests on the shoulders of its members. As such, we are therefore obligated as individuals to strive continuously towards personal betterment, to rid ourselves of that which is “invalid and cowardly” so that we may in turn better serve our Race as a whole in its fight for existence and excellence.

Adolf Hitler once wrote “every half-hearted act is an invisible sign in a decay which will eventually be followed by outward collapse”. This cowardly sense of contentment that has plagued our people over the last few decades, down to today’s generation, will ultimately prove symptomatic in our Racial demise. In this increasingly hostile world, we must burn out this Pacifist sense of contentment and constantly wage war on ourselves. We must ruthlessly push ourselves towards the ideal and shun this liberal ‘live and let live’ death sentence. To quote the Fuhrer: “Great change is accomplished only when driven by fanatical and hysterical passion”.  - Nonchalance does not constitute hysterical passion!

To build a better people, we must first build a better person. As Racialists, we "seek full value in bearing of character and accomplishment”. This means constant self-evaluation, honesty and the courage to change. To live not for ourselves, but in our entirety of being, for our Race. For future generations who come what may, must live in the wake of our decisions. Our character should shine through our deeds should defy the actions of the media’s stereotypical bigot. No keyboard or social media necessary.

Its time the Racialists of today come to grips with the severity of the situation at hand. This is very real and every day counts. We can’t wait any more time in pubs or gossiping in cyber-space. There’s nothing progressive about stagnation and we should never grow content. We should live our lives in a constant struggle to progress both personally and Racially, so that the sun should rise on the day our future generations can live their lives in a world worthy of their being.

So I say to you, White men and women of today, the clock is ticking…
Wake up, It’s Time!
Credo, Pareo, Pugno – Blood, Soil, Honour

(Quotes taken from Mein Kampf and the SS Leadership Guide)

Rev Derik Punneo #G15355

P O Box 290066
Represa CA 95671