Saturday, 21 March 2015

Negritude by Adam Barger

FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely. 
by Adam Barger

There is a common plague that has been infecting the attitudes of white men today. This attitude has extremely harmful effects upon our Race that many are unaware of. This plague among whites is the attitude that it is acceptable to refer to our white own in derogatory terms. Not terms of endearment, that show how much we appreciate and cherish the enormous role they play in our Race’s continued existence. But terms overly vulgar and disrespectful.

I call this attitude negritude as it does not befit a white male but is more to be expected from a black.  Any self-respecting white male does not refer to his women-folk as female dog’s or common prostitutes. This negritude does not the natural or healthy attitude of the superior, white male. Sadly, many of these now ‘ape’ their lesser, the negro male. They emulate the behaviour of these ignorants, often without even knowing it.

Negritude is a powerful weapon, foisted on the white male by Chosen Establishment who encourage race-mixing to further separate white females from white males. The Enemy utilizes this weapon knowing it will debase relations between white men and women. This aids the ultimate goal of mongrelising the white race into extinction.

Unfortunately, many white males play into the hands of our perfidious foe. The Enemy doesn’t even have to get his hands dirty, he just spreads this negritude through his media, making sure to depict it as ‘cool’ and acceptable for white males to refer to white females in such disrespectful ways. A majority of white males then adopt this garbage wholesale. This is NOT cool! It ruins how healthy white men view and treat their own white women.

They have subconsciously lost do not recognise respect for white women, but they have. They begin to value our precious women less and less. How can one respect someone they call ‘a piece of trash’? If they did, they wouldn't refer to that person in such a distasteful manner. It is exactly the same thing with our white women. One cannot the beauty and sacredness of our women and continue referring to them in such a degrading manner, only unless one is very confused.

Our women are precious and sacred above all for they hold the key to our Race’s future existence. There truly is no beauty comparable in the whole wide world to that of the white woman. This plague of attitude needs to cease immediately, because we are already seeing the negative ramifications this negritude is having. White women deserve respect and adoration for without them we have no future. If they are not treasured by the men of their own race and are called foul names they will search for that which treats them better and that may be in the arms of a N----r. Do you want that?

To partially quote Precept #37 from David Lane’s 88 Precepts:
“any white man with healthy instincts feels disgust and revulsion when he sees a woman of his race with a man of another race”. 
Our ancestors fought to the death to protect our women, and they would have preferred death to losing their women to another race. These women are the mothers of white children, our sisters, our aunts, and daughters and do not deserve to be referred to by base words from white men.

We need to recognise the destructiveness of this negritude and no longer tolerate it coming from the mouths of white men. We can do our part in combating this negritude by calling our white brothers on it when they call a white woman a bitch and explain to them that using derogatory terms to refer to our women is harmful and not something that a white man does. Do your part by taking a ‘no tolerance’ stance against any Chosen or Negroidic influence on our race. We are white men and white men don’t behave like N----s, period!

So when you hear a white man refer to a white woman as a bitch pull him up on it and tell him that “white men don’t act like N----rs”. That person may get temporarily upset with you but we have no time to worry about the feelings of one individual when the welfare of our entire race is at risk. Regardless, the seed will be planted and I assure you (unless he is a Race Traitor) that he won’t use the term again. Do your part! Future generations of our race will be forever grateful to you for doing so!
RAHOWA!              Adam Barger, Church of the Creator 
Adam Barger may be contacted at: 
Adam Barger #F46561
C.S.P. – Corcoran SHU–4A–2L-20
P O Box 3476
Corcoran CA 93212   U S A  

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