By Adam Barger #F46561 4A-2R-10–SHU PO Box 3476 Corcoran CA 93212 USA
'Woe to Islam’
FoGDLJr publishes in the public interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions remain those of the author entirely.
In times past, when atrocities of wanton violence was enacted upon a group of people they would immediately come together in defence of each other. They would quickly assess the damage done and plan to eradicate whatever threat they faced. They did not remain complacent or wait for another possible strike towards their community, family, or friends. They came together and acted in a healthy manner when survival is at risk.
COMMON ENEMY: It has been said that nothing in this world tonight to people more strongly than having a Common Enemy and I couldn’t agree more. In this brief article I will discuss a Common Enemy that stands before the White Race. This group has labelled its of an enemy to the White Race through a multitude of malicious and heinous attacks toward our People. This is by no means a rehashing Of past events although a couple will be used, but it is more so an attempt to enlighten the reader about a Common Enemy every member of the White Race has. Normally when someone, a Nation, or a Race declares war upon another person, Nation or Race generally means war. They don't need to verbalise their declaration of war. Their actions speak loud enough. Say you belong to a certain group and blow up another groups town and kill members of the group, would that constitute an act of war? It used to. Our race had an Enemy do exactly that.
ISLAM THE ENEMY: That Enemy is all adherents to Islam. These individuals who adhere to the religion of Islam call themselves Muslims and are a mixed racial group consisting of a large majority of mongoloid Arabs, a great portion being Blacks. They are a varied assortment for different races who are considered to be Muslim but the majority of blacks and yellow Mongoloids. These Muslims mainly inhabit the desert lands of the Middle East and large portions of Africa, as well as Egypt. A considerable amount of Muslims also live in other countries such as Spain, America, and several nations in Europe. Many white Americans and Europeans think that Muslims are really fighting a religious war and that has little or nothing to do with race. Unfortunately this seems to be the current crux of the White Race in not recognising Muslim actions as being racially motivated. What separates Muslims from the White Race's other enemies is the fact that they have openly declared war on the White Race and Western civilisation, both in word and action.
ENEMY WITH A DIFFERENCE: Whereas our other enemies use 'smoke-and-mirror' tactics and don’t openly announce their true intentions, the Muslims have. And they have done so with repeated violent killings of innocent white people. Look at the September 11th 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre. Even the Jewish-controlled news media couldn’t hide the fact that 95% of the deceased were white people. How about the more recent Boston Marathon bombing in April 2013, where two Arab Muslims set off a bomb near a white family and large group of people? The bomb killed three whites, including a child under eight years old, and injured over 250 people; 230 of which were white. Not to mention the June 2013 fatal stabbing of a British soldier in England. This atrocious act took place in broad daylight and a bystander caught some of it on his cell phone camera. The video depicted a deranged looking Black holding a bloody knife in his hand. The Black then began ranting on the video about retaliation, apparently trying To explain why he brutally killed a random white soldier. The Black murderer was also a Muslim.
THOUSANDS OF ATTACKS: It couldn’t be more blatant about this rebellious group's intent on harming members of the White Race. These are just a few of the thousands of similar attacks that have taken place in the last 15 years, but even just one of the acts should suffice to bring the White Race to its senses. Whether or not these Moslems are fighting for some religious ideal like they claim to be, they are committing heinous acts of violence towards white people based on their ethnicity.
JIHADI INVADERS: These Moslems have let it be known exactly what their “Jihad” is, and that jihad is to fight the whites who they consider to be infidel scum. Any healthy group or community, in this case entire White Race, that wishes to contend in the eternal Struggle for survival must be able to not only recognise its enemies but defend itself from these enemies as well. To not do so is suicide and will result in the ultimate price of extinction. These alien Muslims and are foreign invaders in every White country, from America to Australia. Muslims have proclaim themselves our enemies and have killed thousands of whites. We need to recognise this stark reality before more innocent white people are killed by these Muslims. No longer shall we tolerate any Muslim in our community or nation, they must be exposed to every white man and woman as a threat to their existence. We need to tirelessly spread the word of this Islamic threat to all our People. We need to band together and display our strength through racial loyalty.
BOYCOTT: We need to boycott every Muslim, every chance we get. Refuse to do business with them and demand they leave our country. Write articles and distribute them to our Race educating them about the aims of these Islamic terrorists. They aim to kill the white man and woman and drag its civilisation into the mud. We will not sleep with one eye open with the slumbering enemy under our roof. We must also realise that this is merely not just a war of weapons but also a war of ideas and ideologies. Therefore it is absolutely imperative that we, too, disseminate our racial ideals to our Volk. Ideals are like fire. Once they get started no amount of weapons can put them out. Every white man and woman has this fire burning inside them, it just needs to be stoked.
FIGHT OR DIE: It comes down to a simple yet extremely serious fact: we fight back or die without even trying. The white race is creative, resilient and tenacious beyond belief, but the large majority of our racial brothers and sisters are confused about these Muslims. Yes, these 'Jihadists' fight with the Jews but that in no way makes them the White man's ally. We must enlighten our Race about the truth regarding Muslims. It’s not just the radicals such as Al Qaeda or ISIS but all Muslims. They are guilty by association and therefore marked enemies in the eyes of our Race. This is no laughing matter. There is a common enemy in our presence! And we must unite if we wish to exterminate this looming threat. Let's unite and no longer tolerate any acts of violence towards our Race!
LOVE OF RACE: Let our actions be centred around our Racial family and how to protect it and ensure its furthered existence. Let our love for our noble Race be what keeps us driven in perilous times when under enemy attack. Our only concern should be the Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of our Race. In summation, we need to recognise our enemies and expel them from our environment and eliminate the threat they pose at all costs! It is our right to defend ourselves and our sacred duty to defend our Race! United, we stand unconquerable in the face of any alien opposition. This Islamic threat has openly declared war against our Race and we must recognise this fact in order to crush these Islamic cockroaches under the heel of our boots! Like the word 'RAHOWA' that Ben Klassen coined which is short for RAcial HOly WAr. This is our RA-HO-WA! Victory is only obtainable through Recognition, Action, and White Unity!
Brother Adam Barger Credo, Pareo, Pugno - Blood, Soil, Honour CSM, California West Division
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