Sunday, 10 January 2016

ARISE! by Brian Simas 6th Janus 2016

by Brian Simas   6th January 2016 
Racially aware white folks with a penchant for producing the various articles read by the various activists, have been grinding them out much longer than my, nearly 50 years in this skin. I have contributed to the stack of ‘Inspiring’ words over the past ten years or so. I’ve been accused of inspiring some folks, to what end, or beginning, I know nought.  Granted, I am in a tiny corner of the caged world, sorely out of touch with the ‘whiz-bang’ technological marvels that seem to have captivated vast numbers of people yet it has not escaped me that there has been little to none, progress in actual positive gains towards a resurgence of an Aryan America.

 A quick glance at any news source, a dictionary, and some type of opinion is the bare minimum needed to pen a rant itemising the social ills our people face. Mr. Carnegie had a fine point in his book How to win friends and influence people when he said: “any fool can criticise, condemn or complain and most fools do”. I strive daily to not be just such a fool; it is tough sometimes!  

I understand the logic applied by many writers, that if enough of our White folk are made aware of our racial  peril, made aware of the insidious attacks perpetrated upon us by the Zionists, and various muds that they will awake and rise-up to reclaim a proud heritage. Well friends, thus far, it has not worked. So even as I write this from my current concrete box I ask everyone reading this: “why are the same ineffective methods being employed that have garnered no progress?” 

I failed to put an end to my degenerative behaviour before it cost me my liberty in 1997. I have been drug-free since my arrest, I’ve grown by leaps and bounds and I have positively influenced many comrades and others of our folk. I, like many, am somewhat limited in what I can actually do to push the Fourteen Words into being but, Damn it! I do what little I can. 

That is where your focus needs to be. Quit bemoaning what you can’t do and do what you can. All you incarcerated white Men and Women, it is in your power to stop poisoning yourselves; stop financing the drug trade; stop aiding in the slow genocide of our people. Find that bright-eyed youngster and let him or her know that they can have a future. Live as an example, not a hypocrite mouth-piece. If you ever mouthed the 14 Words or vocalised “White Power” yet remain a thrall to drugs or some deviant behaviour - Check yourself! Self accepted weakness is not acceptable!

Being a prisoner myself, it is rational for me to address this verbiage to fellow prisoners. As I pen this, I am aware of the near uselessness of the printed word and still, I scribble away in the fervent hope that my simple words are as a boot to your butt. If you are in prison and still have an out-date, use this time to edify yourself. Until you master yourself to the degree of eliminating unhealthy behaviour and embarking upon a course of positive ascension, you really aren’t an asset to our folk nor do you have a platform from which you can realistically counsel anyone. 

You Lifers can contribute by your actions that influence those around you as well as your contacts in the Free World. Again, being right in all your behaviours shines through, so take that first step and get right within yourself. When we know our behaviour is beyond the project then we can expect to positively impact the goals set for our Folk.

To our White Families, “Out there in the World”, try some seemingly small actions like patronising only White-owned businesses. In a tactful manner let business owners know why you choose their establishments. Engage in conversations about Race, ask why non-white races are encouraged to celebrate their ethnicity? Why are there government subsidies for non-whites in virtually every aspect of American society? Why do prospective employers end their ads with: “We encourage women and minorities to apply”? That expressly excludes White Men!

Activism takes many forms. Have courage: use your Aryan creative powers. I am a fan of, and very respectful of tradition but I always realise, as a friend once said: “the past should be a guidepost not a hitching post”. We desperately need to find new ways to address our (Now), and to take us into our (Future).   Are you “Old School” White Soldiers still pushing the right line, help by encouraging those in whom see ‘The Spark’. Let them know their opinions have merit, sure not every notion is sound but it bears a hearing when our younger folk get inspired and their brains fire.

For anyone that read any missive of a racially motivated sort and you become inspired, Do Something Productive with it! An old Irish proverb says: “nodding the head won't row the boat”. Sometimes I wonder where we'd be in this country if parents of my generation would have steered my contemporaries and I towards careers in law-enforcement, military leadership, politics, etc. All those influential positions currently trending towards non-Whites... Parents of today can do it, this is positive activism for the long termI know ours is a daunting task but quitting is not an option so get off your butts, out of the chat rooms and produce some growth towards a better you, a better White race. 

“All that you do consider its benefit or harm upon yourself your children and your people” Rule of Honour #1. 

As an active member in the United Society of Aryan Skinheads I thank you for your time and emplore you:               Arise!           Hail society! 
 Brian Simas #E57760
P O Box 1902

Tehachapi CA 93581 U S A 

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