Death of a Con Man

by Kevin Alfred Strom
HAROLD COVINGTON, who died this week, does not deserve to receive accolades or be remembered as a comrade. He was not a comrade.
He consciously sought to ruin our cause and the good fighters who were and are fighting for it.
He was a talented writer — and an unscrupulous liar. His migration ideas weren’t original with him.
I almost never talk about him, because the endless online fighting promoted by such as he serves the purposes of the racial enemy, as it probably is intended to do. But I must address him, since the historical record must not be falsified.
Harold Covington was either working for the enemy or had profound mental and moral pathologies beyond almost anyone I have known in this life — and I have known a few doozies.
Covington published a forged letter over my signature back in the 1990s in which “I” denounced Dr. Pierce and resigned from the National Alliance. He published several such forgeries in my name. He has also published forged letters over the signatures of many other good people, some of them of my personal acquaintance: Evelyn Hill, Ron Doggett, Fred Streed, Carlos Porter, Gerald Sprouse — a totally dishonorable act for which I do not believe there should ever be forgiveness, no matter what his other talents may be.
In my case, I believe he issued the forged letter in retaliation for my tracing another forgery of his back to his IP address — a totally fake Associated Press article he published “exposing” my friend (and now National Alliance Chairman) Will Williams, a man of utmost courage and integrity, as “actually” being “FBI Special Agent James R. Finchley.”
I published my factual findings. This enraged Covington, leading to his retaliation — which he also used to hurt Dr. William Pierce. Making up falsehoods about Dr. Pierce was another of his obsessions.
In the case of revisionist writer Carlos Porter, when Porter exposed a letter forged by Covington that was purportedly from him (Porter), Covington began making the bizarre claims 1) that Porter had actually died years before (from “acute alcoholism,” Covington said), on a date that even preceded Covington’s forged Porter letter ( ! ); and 2) that the denials of authorship were being made by someone who was “impersonating” Porter — a person who was probably Kevin Strom, Covington insinuated.
In the case of William Pierce, my friend of decades-long standing and one of the most genuine, authentic people I’ve ever known, Covington claimed that Dr. Pierce was a “federal informant,” that the National Alliance was a “scam” designed to help Dr. Pierce “retire on hundreds of rolling acres in West Virginia,” and made many other false, harmful, and unsubstantiated claims — all made up out of whole cloth, like nearly all his accusations.
Covington falsely claimed that the founder of the Church of the Creator, Ben Klassen, whom my friend Will Williams knew well, was a secret Jew and homosexual who would lure young skinheads into his church, rape them, and then murder them with impunity to hush them up. Ask yourself what kind of a man would create, publish, and publicize such lies.
Covington publicly accused Will Williams not only of being an FBI agent, but also of being “John Doe Number Two” in the Oklahoma City bombing case. Williams took him to court over that and won a significant judgement — the only one of Covington’s victims to do so, to my knowledge.
One could write a fair-sized book debunking all the lies and forgeries Harold Covington has committed, many of them obviously designed to sow discord and distrust among those fighting for the only cause worth fighting for. Some of them are very well documented here by Hadding Scott:
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