Friday, 31 August 2018

Ideological Evolution by Adam W. Barger 6thApri 2016

Ideological Evolution
by Adam W. Barger 6thApri 2016
An ideology is a system of beliefs and is in a sense, a sort of life form that’s existence is sustained by the people who embrace it. An ideology can be slightly modified and fitted to the external influences that shape our society. It can, over time, evolve into something that may differ from its original form.  

As a frustrated white youth in a town that was being inundated by non-whites, I can vividly remember the exact time when I became racially aware and began to form my own idea regarding race, and how I perceived the world. Looking back, I see an ideology that was created and formed in the burning fires of anger. 

Often times that energy which was a manifestation of my racial awakening was put to poor and negative use. Outlets of destructive behaviour hindered my beliefs from progressing or being put into effect. The maturity of my ideology was extremely low and was based solely upon a single emotion. 

Through personal experience, education, and the passing of years, that ideology, once singular, grew into something very different from its original form. Long since have I considered seig-heiling at the bar to be conduct representative of what I believed in. 

Instead of unproductive displays of my racial views, I have replaced them with positive activism in the form of dissemination of literature, regular contributions to the Movement, and the constant edification of myself and those around me.  My ideology as a racially aware White man is always being fined tuned and sharpened like a sword to suit ever-changing battles.  

Ideology has given my life greater purpose and a moral yard-stick to follow and regularly evaluate myself by. My ideology is like a strong oak tree with tons of branches but at its core, the very roots that drain water and give life to the rest of the tree, is racial preservation. 

The survival, expansion, and advancement of our people is the unshakeable foundation that my ideals I strive for are built upon.  Ideology is absolutely nothing unless you truly adhere to it. 

The Movement is far from dead and our Struggle for existence upon this earth has never been greater.  Use your ideology to be beneficial to our folk rather than being a burden.
RAHOWA! Hail Society!! 
Adam W, Barger  
USAS/National Action!!
Contact at: 
Adam W. Barger #F46561
CCI 4A-2C-208
P O Box 1902     
Tehachapi CA    93581     U S A

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