Sunday 10 January 2016

KNOWING versus DOING by Brian Simas 6th Janus 2016

by Brian Simas   6th Janus 2016 
I believe it a fairly common trait to do contrary to what is known to be best. I have known, and still know several men who have read widely and well, spent years informing themselves on much. “To what end?” I ask. To a lesser degree than some, I have put in years of studying race, religion, politics, history, philosophy, some psychology and sundry other topics of interest. With all I may claim to know, I still am aware of an ability within myself to not always apply sound reason, occasionally just cruising along, rather than reaching and clawing ever forward. 

Is it mere laziness? Why do we seek to know so much about the worlds around us, within us? We thirst for knowledge, maybe even acquire some here and there, yet all too often we let the acquisition fade out of memory, never employed. In my opinion, knowledge only becomes wisdom when it is applied, so why read-up on the great minds and authors our histories are full of? 

Why do “Uncomfortable Truths” go unheeded even though empirical data provided the answers? Anecdotal information too is often true but shied away from when it may offend. Modern science is replaced with cold, hard facts about the role genetics play in the quality of individuals produced by any given species. This is evidence in the practices of any top breeder of livestock: horses, cattle, hogs, dogs and even plants! Why is it not employed within groups of humans, each within its gene-type? 

Those in possession of printing presses, radio and television broadcast networks raise an affected cry of moral outrage when the subject is broached. With tried and proven buzzwords they shut down attempts at reasoned discussion about eugenics. The fallacy of professor Boas’ version of anthropology has long been exposed yet it still holds sway. Research has shown the natural inclination that people show of mistrust of those unlike themselves when forced into societal groupings. 

Blind eyes are turned for documents that are currently archived in the Library of Congress that show, unequivocally how well Abraham Lincoln understood that Blacks are not on par with whites and that the two could never co-exist, or should they. Thomas Jefferson knew these truths as well, excerpts of both these early Americans’ writings can be read in Simpson’s Which Way, Western Man? or in their entirety through Library of Congress website. 

The misconstrued intent of this country being a “Melting Pot” has been totally misrepresented. The coinage of said phrase was to apply exclusively to those white immigrants of Northern European descent. As a people we have at our disposal various vehicles capable of conveying to us virtually any information we seek, yet what is the most searched topics on the Internet? Most likely, some trash about one Kardashian or another. 

Whether you feign unawareness, or actually are, white people in the world over are under attack. Our cultural successes; civilisations, achievements in space, science, medicine and technology are the “Things” craved the world over. What white people produce is what every Third-world cretin clamours for, but know this, they’d rather not have us. They have no misguided ambivalence towards the white race, no welling-up of compassion to see to it that we share equally in this world. 

The outpouring of care upon multitudes of degenerate foreigners is symptomatic of an illness infecting a race, and a Nation. The Kennedy family are hugely responsible for much of our current woes, yet our present government is worse. It uses judicial thuggery to force states to accept latest tide of refugees from a nation and culture totally at odds with white America. It is understood when mentioning the “Western World” that those countries historically White, that lead the world, are the topic. 

The Western World is under attack! So-called refugees, fleeing Syria and other volatile sandpits are invading Europe. The US government is assisting by importing these wretched people against the will of the majority of US citizens. Non-white interests are constantly being pushed to the fore in this, and other once-white countries. It is my belief that the United Nations receives its agenda from those truly in power and then proceeds to implement it, with haste. Anyone with the temerity to impugn the UN or its agents will be crucified in the social media. 

If you disbelieve, or think me foolish then please, return your head to the sand and stay out of the way. Many White folks, here in America and elsewhere are disgruntled in varying degrees. We see Donald Trump maintaining a steady lead in these “Popularity Polls”. Though virtually meaningless, these polls offer-up opportunities for interviews with Trump supporters, most of them appear to be adult, white men and women. When asked about their approval of Mr Trump’s message, the recurring answer is: “He says we can’t”. That, (what we can’t) is the general sentiment that those people have been marginalised in their own country. 

That hostile environment now prevalent in communities once predominately White, that sense of betrayal from a government whose job it is to protect this once White America, from all enemies foreign and domestic. The realisation that an innate instinct for hospitality and benevolence has been exploited and turned, as a weapon, upon those whom should have an extended their compassion towards those most like themselves. These and many others are the righteous grievances that Donald Trump airs, that the average white man or woman feels they can’t say for fear of retaliation. Firings from jobs after social media barrages for any perceived slight that runs afoul of establishment parameters is soaring. You want to exercise your “Freedom of Speech?” You better check with an attorney, first!

Our once White America, whose founders clearly denoted in the Constitution they forged, just who this new republic was built by, and for, has been usurped. No one should need me to list the examples that uphold my statement. Every scrap of information needed to appraise today’s citizenry of the State of Affairs within which they exist is within their reach. Take responsibility to inform yourself of just how you came to be a third-rate citizen in what was, your country. 

Have you ever wondered why so many of the manufacturing jobs that helped so much to elevate America to the top were ‘outsourced’? Moving plants and factories to destitute countries to exploit cheap labour. Had those jobs and products remained American we may not have had the most recent financial crisis. As the current ‘Mudslide Invasion’ progresses, I predict a reverse trend regarding the manufacturing of goods here. An increase of jobs too, but few of these jobs will go to Whites. 

Knowing versus Doing. Collectively as one people, fractured as we are, it is KNOWN that current affairs are wrong in regard to the treatment White people. So KNOW this: : “White Guilt” has no place in you! Reclaim your heritage with the pride and honour due our ancestors who brought culture and civilisation to the world. KNOW you have been duped and befuddled. Now DO something about it.
Brian Simas #E57760
P O Box 1902
Tehachapi CA 93581  U S A

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