Friday 4 March 2016

IT IS UP TO US by S. Thomas McCauley Jr

by S. Thomas McCauley Jr
When it comes to miscegenation we have all heard and seen the same confrontational, in-your-face tactics. Been beaten over the head with the same rhetoric and phrases: "mud duck", "coal burner" and 'race traitor'. While these tactics may work for some, the simple truth is the vast majority will automatically be turned away by such tactics and buzzwords. 

You have to do you have to realise that in dealing with Joe- and Jill-Six Pack that it really is not their fault. In this modern age they have been conditioned to care about nothing other than the latest IPhone and their next credit card payment.They have been inundated since birth by the mass media that 'diversity' is beautiful. That having a lover of a different race is desirable. That siring mixed-raced children is a sign of advancement. In modern American society it is almost a badge of honour. 

"Look at my brown lover! See how tolerant I am!" Our children are constantly being brainwashed with the trivial accomplishments of other races. We have Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Asian/Pacific Islander Month and the Native American Heritage MonthThis is what they are fed. You grow based on your food. Now, let me ask you this: how can someone be a traitor to something they have never known? 

Therein lies the crux of our problem. White America does not know of the great whites and their accomplishments throughout history. In my experience through discussion, when the average white American thinks of white history they think of the injustices done to the black man when we stole him from Africa, shipped him across the ocean and forced him into slavery. 

They think of the treacherous way we lied to and deceived the 'Native American' only to slaughter him and steal his land. They think of the monstrous Adolf Hitler and his evil Nazi regime with their mass murder of the poor Jew, and plans of world domination where only those of pure blonde hair and blue-eyed Aryan stock would be permitted to live. 

This is the false legacy imprinted upon our youth. All of the great deeds of our Forefathers are glossed over. All the technological and medical breakthroughs, all the great achievements in society and arts, simply forgotten in favour of these misrepresented half-truths and lies. I believe that we are in dire need of a new way to confront and combat this problem. I believe that in today's modern society we need to approach this problem through education. 

Yes, education! Education about one's ancestry. Only when the youth have been instilled with a racial/ethnic pride will they be receptive to the truth of the white race's plight. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be amongst one's own. To find those of similar appearance attractive, and to want to procreate with and see that same beauty reflected in your children. 

In fact, that is the most natural instinct there is. Once the youth are taught of the glorious accomplishments of the forebears, instead of being brow-beaten with their "atrocities", and taught to see the beauty in themselves and their own will they open themselves up to and be more receptive of these instincts, instead of trying to pursue sickness of homosexuality and race- mixing pushed on them by the Enemy-run media. 

So, the next time you see one of our down-trodden and mislead youth try putting some pride in their heart and wisdom in their ears before you put the boot up their backside! Remember Comrades, it is up to us as we are the only ones left who care. 

S. Thomas McCauley Jr
P O Box 1031
Tehachapi CA 93581  U S A

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